- interpupillary
between the pupils of the eyes: interpupillary distance.[1905-10; INTER- + PUPILLARY2]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
interpupillary — “+ adjective Etymology: inter + pupillary : extending between the pupils of the eyes; also : extending between the centers of a pair of spectacle lenses interpupillary distance * * * /in teuhr pyooh peuh ler ee/, adj. Anat. between the pupils of… … Useful english dictionary
interpupillary — adjective Date: circa 1904 extending between the pupils of the eyes; also extending between the centers of a pair of spectacle lenses < interpupillary distance > … New Collegiate Dictionary
interpupillary — Between the pupils. * * * in·ter·pu·pil·lary .int ər pyü pə .ler ē adj extending between the pupils of the eyes also extending between the centers of a pair of spectacle lenses <interpupillary distance> * * * in·ter·pu·pil·lary… … Medical dictionary
interpupillary — adjective Between the pupils of the eyes … Wiktionary
interpupillary — in·ter·pupillary … English syllables
interpupillary distance — the distance between the centers of the pupils of the two eyes when the visual axes are parallel; in practice usually measured from the lateral margin of one pupil to the medial margin of the other … Medical dictionary
Inter-pupillary distance — InterPupillary Distance (IPD). This is the distance between the two eyes of a human being, measured at the pupils. It is significant in the design of eye glasses, binoculars, and in the need or otherwise for stereoscopic vision. See also under… … Wikipedia
PD — Abbreviation for phenyldichloroarsine. * * * Doctor of Pharmacy; Dublin Pharmacopoeia; interpupillary distance; Paget disease; pancreas divisum; pancreatic duct; panic disorder; papilla diameter; paralyzing dose; Parkinson disease; parkinsonian… … Medical dictionary
Pd — Symbol for palladium. * * * Doctor of Pharmacy; Dublin Pharmacopoeia; interpupillary distance; Paget disease; pancreas divisum; pancreatic duct; panic disorder; papilla diameter; paralyzing dose; Parkinson disease; parkinsonian dementia;… … Medical dictionary
Stereoscopy — Stereoscopy, stereoscopic imaging or 3 D (three dimensional) imaging is any technique capable of recording three dimensional visual information or creating the illusion of depth in an image. The illusion of depth in a photograph, movie, or other… … Wikipedia