- International Workingmen's Association
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
International Workingmen's Association — The International Workingmen s Association (IWA), sometimes called the First International, was an international socialist organization which aimed at uniting a variety of different left wing political groups and trade union organizations that… … Wikipedia
International Workingmen's Association — official name of the First International … Useful english dictionary
International Workingmen's Association — Die Erste Internationale (eigentlich: Internationale Arbeiterassoziation (IAA)) war der erste internationale Zusammenschluss sozialistischer Gruppen und Personen aus 13 europäischen Ländern und den USA. Gegründet wurde die IAA am 28. September… … Deutsch Wikipedia
International — In ter*na tion*al, n. [Cf. F. internationale.] [1913 Webster] 1. The International; an abbreviated from of the title of the International Workingmen s Association, the name of an association, formed in London in 1864, which has for object the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Workingmen's Party of the United States — The Workingmen s Party of the United States (WPUS) was the first Marxist influenced political party in the United States, second in the world after the Social Democratic Party of Germany.The WPUS was formed in 1876, when a congress of socialists… … Wikipedia
International Alliance of Socialist Democracy — The International Alliance of Socialist Democracy was an organisation founded by Mikhail Bakunin along with 79 other members on October 28, 1868 as an organisation within the International Workingmen s Association. The establishment of the… … Wikipedia
International Workers Association — Infobox Union name= IWA/AIT country= International affiliation= anarcho syndicalism members= full name= International Workers Association native name= Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores founded= 1922 current= head= dissolved date=… … Wikipedia
International — /ɪntəˈnæʃənəl/ (say intuh nashuhnuhl) noun 1. a socialist association (in full, International Workingmen s Association) intended to unite the working classes of all countries in promoting their own interests and social and industrial reforms, by… …
International Liaison Committee for a Workers' International — The International Liaison Committee for a Workers International (ILC) is a multi tendency international regroupment of trade unionists and political activists in 92 countries around Party of the Workers in France. It includes, among other groups … Wikipedia
International Communist Current — The International Communist Current is an international centralised left communist organisation which was formed in 1975 and which has sections in France, Great Britain, Mexico, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Venezuela, Brazil, Sweden,… … Wikipedia