- interblend
/in'teuhr blend"/, v.t., v.i., interblended or interblent, interblending.to blend one with another.[1585-95; INTER- + BLEND]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
interblend — index combine (join together), consolidate (unite), desegregate, embody, incorporate (include) … Law dictionary
interblend — in·ter·blend … English syllables
interblend — in ter•blend′ v. t. v. i … From formal English to slang
interblend — [c]/ɪntəˈblɛnd/ (say intuh blend) verb (interblended or interblent, interblending) –verb (t) 1. to blend (two or more substances) with each other. –verb (i) 2. to blend, one with another …
interblend — v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by with) mingle (things) together. 2 intr. blend with each other … Useful english dictionary
incorporate — in·cor·po·rate /in kȯr pə ˌrāt/ vb rat·ed, rat·ing vt 1: to unite with something else to form a whole incorporate the agreement into the divorce 2: to form (as a business) into a legal corporation 3: to include (rights guaranteed by the Bill … Law dictionary
consolidate — con·sol·i·date /kən sä lə ˌdāt/ vt dat·ed, dat·ing: to join together into one whole: as a: to combine (two or more lawsuits or matters that involve a common question of law or fact) into one compare class action ◇ Consolidation of matters in the… … Law dictionary
desegregate — de·seg·re·gate /dē se grə ˌgāt/ vt gat·ed, gat·ing: to eliminate segregation in; specif: to free from any law, provision, or practice requiring isolation of the members of a particular race in separate units vi: to become desegregated Merriam… … Law dictionary
combine — I (act in concert) verb act as one, act jointly, affiliate with, ally, associate, band together, coact, collaborate, collude, concert, confederate, conspire, cooperate, coordinate, enlist with, enter into partnership with, federate, form a union … Law dictionary
embody — I verb actualize, constitute, corporealize, exhibit in visible form, express in concrete form, form, give concrete form to, give definite form to, give tangible form to, incarnate, includere, incorporate, integrate, interblend, interfuse,… … Law dictionary