
/in sin'yooh ay"sheuhn/, n.
1. an indirect or covert suggestion or hint, esp. of a derogatory nature: She made nasty insinuations about her rivals.
2. covert or artful suggestion or hinting, as of something implied: His methods of insinuation are most ingenious.
3. subtle or artful instillment into the mind.
4. the art or power of stealing into the affections and pleasing; ingratiation: He made his way by flattery and insinuation.
5. Archaic. a slow winding, worming, or stealing in.
6. Obs. an ingratiating act or speech.
[1520-30; < L insinuation- (s. of insinuatio). See INSINUATE, -ION]

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  • insinuation — [ ɛ̃sinɥasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1319; lat. insinuatio 1 ♦ Anc. Dr. Inscription d un acte sur un registre; insertion. Insinuation d un testament, d un contrat. 2 ♦ (XVIIe) Vx Action de s insinuer (1o), de pénétrer. « L insinuation de l aliment dans les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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