
/in"euhr sohl'/, n.
[1890-95; INNER + SOLE2]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • innersole — [in′ər sōl΄] n. INSOLE …   English World dictionary

  • innersole — noun Date: 1830 insole …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • innersole — noun An insole; a cushioning layer lining the inside bottom of a shoe or boot. After his toe was severed in an accident, he had to buy orthopedic innersoles for his shoes …   Wiktionary

  • innersole — in•ner•sole [[t]ˈɪn ərˌsoʊl[/t]] n. cvb clo insole • Etymology: 1890–95 …   From formal English to slang

  • innersole — /ˈɪnəsoʊl/ (say inuhsohl) noun → insole …  

  • innersole — noun the inner sole of a shoe or boot where the foot rests • Syn: ↑insole • Hypernyms: ↑sole • Part Holonyms: ↑shoe, ↑boot * * * | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ noun …   Useful english dictionary

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  • insole — /ˈɪnsoʊl/ (say insohl) noun 1. the inner sole of a shoe or boot. 2. a thickness of warm or waterproof material laid as an inner sole within a shoe. Also, innersole …  

  • in|sole — «IHN SOHL», noun. 1. the inner sole of a shoe or boot. 2. a layer of warm or waterproof material put on the sole inside a shoe or boot. Also, innersole …   Useful english dictionary

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