
inflectionless, adj.
/in flek"sheuhn/, n.
1. modulation of the voice; change in pitch or tone of voice.
2. Also, flection. Gram.
a. the process or device of adding affixes to or changing the shape of a base to give it a different syntactic function without changing its form class.
b. the paradigm of a word.
c. a single pattern of formation of a paradigm: noun inflection; verb inflection.
d. the change in the shape of a word, generally by affixation, by means of which a change of meaning or relationship to some other word or group of words is indicated.
e. the affix added to produce this change, as the -s in dogs or the -ed in played.
f. the systematic description of such processes in a given language, as in serves from serve, sings from sing, and harder from hard (contrasted with derivation).
3. a bend or angle.
4. Math. a change of curvature from convex to concave or vice versa.
Also, esp. Brit., inflexion.
[1525-35; var. sp. of inflexion < L inflexion- (s. of inflexio) a bending. See INFLECT, -ION]

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also called  Flection,  formerly  Accidence,  

      in linguistics, the change in the form of a word (in English, usually the addition of endings) to mark such distinctions as tense, person, number, gender, mood, voice, and case. English inflection indicates noun plural (cat, cats), third person singular present tense (I, you, we, they buy; he buys), past tense (we walk, we walked), verbals (called, calling), and comparatives (big, bigger, biggest). Changes within the stem, or main word part, are another type of inflection, as in sing, sang, sung and goose, geese. The paradigm of the Old Icelandic u-stem noun skjǫldr (“shield”), for example, includes forms with both internal change and suffixation; the nominative singular form is skjǫldr, the genitive singular is skjaldar, and the nominative plural is skildir. Many languages, such as Latin, Spanish, French, and German, have a much more extensive system of inflection. For example, Spanish shows verb distinction for person and number, “I, you, he, they live,” vivo, vives, vive, viven (“I live,” “you live,” “he lives,” “they live”). A number of languages, especially non-Indo-European ones, inflect with prefixes and infixes, word parts added before a main part or within the main part. Inflection differs from derivation in that it does not change the part of speech. Derivation uses prefixes and suffixes (e.g., in-, -tion) to form new words (e.g., inform, deletion), which can then take inflections.

      The terms inflecting and inflectional are sometimes used more narrowly in the typological classification of languages to refer to a subtype of synthetic language, such as Latin. All synthetic languages have inflection in the broader and more widespread sense of the term.

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Universalium. 2010.

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, , , , , / (in declension or in conjugation), , , / (of the voice)

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  • Inflection — In*flec tion, n. [L. inflexio : cf. F. inflexion. See {Inflect}.] [Written also {inflecxion}.] 1. The act of inflecting, or the state of being inflected. [1913 Webster] 2. A bend; a fold; a curve; a turn; a twist. [1913 Webster] 3. A slide,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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