
inflammability, inflammableness, n.inflammably, adv.
/in flam"euh beuhl/, adj.
1. capable of being set on fire; combustible; flammable.
2. easily aroused or excited, as to passion or anger; irascible: an inflammable disposition.
3. something inflammable.
[1595-1605; < ML inflammabilis, equiv. to L inflamma(re) to INFLAME + -bilis -BLE]
Syn. 2. fiery, volatile, choleric.
Usage. INFLAMMABLE and FLAMMABLE both mean "combustible." INFLAMMABLE is the older by about 200 years. FLAMMABLE now has certain technical uses, particularly as a warning on vehicles carrying combustible materials, because of a belief that some might interpret the intensive prefix IN- of INFLAMMABLE as a negative prefix and thus think the word means "noncombustible." INFLAMMABLE is the word more usually used in nontechnical and figurative contexts: The speaker ignited the inflammable emotions of the crowd.

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Universalium. 2010.

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