Inertial Upper Stage — The Inertial Upper Stage or IUS is a two stage solid fueled booster rocket developed by NASA and the U.S. Air Force for the launching of large payloads from either a Titan III (later Titan IV) rocket or from the payload bay of the Space… … Wikipedia
Inertial Upper Stage — L IUS est installé pour le lancement du télescope Chandra … Wikipédia en Français
Inertial Upper Stage — Die IUS die das Röntgenteleskop Chandra in seine hochelliptische Umlaufbahn brachte. Die IUS (Inertial Upper Stage, deutsch etwa: „Trägheitsnavigierte Oberstufe“, oder ursprünglich Interim Upper Stage, deutsch etwa: vorläufige Oberstufe) ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
inertial upper stage — a U.S. two stage, solid propellant rocket used to boost a relatively heavy spacecraft from a low earth orbit into a planetary trajectory or an elliptical transfer orbit. Abbr.: IUS Cf. payload assist module … Useful english dictionary
Interim Upper Stage — Die IUS die das Röntgenteleskop Chandra in seine hochelliptische Umlaufbahn brachte. Die IUS (Inertial Upper Stage, oder ursprünglich Interim Upper Stage) ist eine von Boeing hergestellte, zweistufige Oberstufe, mit deren Hilfe Satelliten aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Transfer orbit stage — The Transfer Orbit Stage (TOS) was an upper stage rocket developed by Martin Marietta on a subcontract to Orbital Sciences Corporation during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Orbital Sciences was the prime contractor for NASA for TOS. TOS was… … Wikipedia
IUS — Inertial Upper Stage (Governmental » NASA) * Intra Uterine System (Medical » Physiology) * Improved Unarmed Strike (Governmental » Military) * Interchange Unit Separator (Computing » General) * Integrated Utility Services (Computing » General) *… … Abbreviations dictionary
IUS — • Inertial Upper Stage Weltraumfahrt • Indiana University Southeast (USA, … Acronyms
IUS — Inertial Upper Stage. A rocket that is attached to a satellite and fires after the satellite leaves the Space Shuttle bay. It lets the satellite achieve Geosynchronous orbit. This rocket is larger than an PAM … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
Magellan (spacecraft) — Magellan Artist s depiction of Magellan at Venus Operator NASA / JPL Major contractors Martin Marietta / Hughes Aircraft … Wikipedia