induced topology
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induced topology — Math. See relative topology … Useful english dictionary
Induced homomorphism (fundamental group) — In mathematics, especially in the area of topology known as algebraic topology, the induced homomorphism is a group homomorphism related to the study of the fundamental group.DefinitionLet X and Y be topological spaces; let x 0 be a point of X… … Wikipedia
Induced homomorphism (algebraic topology) — In mathematics, especially in the area of topology known as algebraic topology, an induced homomorphism is a way of relating the algebraic invariants of topological spaces which are already related by a continuous function. Such homomorphism… … Wikipedia
topology — topologic /top euh loj ik/, topological, adj. topologically, adv. topologist, n. /teuh pol euh jee/, n., pl. topologies for 3. Math. 1. the study of those properties of geometric forms that remain invariant under c … Universalium
Induced homomorphism — In mathematics, an induced homomorphism is a structure preserving map between a pair of objects that is derived in a canonical way from another map between another pair of objects. A particularly important case arises in algebraic topology, where … Wikipedia
Subspace topology — In topology and related areas of mathematics, a subspace of a topological space X is a subset S of X which is equipped with a natural topology induced from that of X called the subspace topology (or the relative topology, or the induced topology … Wikipedia
Boundary (topology) — For a different notion of boundary related to manifolds, see that article. In topology, the boundary of a subset S of a topological space X is the set of points which can be approached both from S and from the outside of S . More formally, it is… … Wikipedia
relative topology — Math. a topology of a subset of a topological space, obtained by intersecting the subset with every open set in the topology of the space. Also called induced topology, subspace topology. * * * … Universalium
relative topology — Math. a topology of a subset of a topological space, obtained by intersecting the subset with every open set in the topology of the space. Also called induced topology, subspace topology … Useful english dictionary
Order topology — In mathematics, an order topology is a certain topology that can be defined on any totally ordered set. It is a natural generalization of the topology of the real numbers to arbitrary totally ordered sets. If X is a totally ordered set, the order … Wikipedia