
/in"di kay'teuhr/, n.
1. a person or thing that indicates.
2. a pointing or directing device, as a pointer on the dial of an instrument to show pressure, temperature, speed, volume, or the like.
3. an instrument that indicates the condition of a machine or the like.
4. an instrument for measuring and recording variations of pressure in the cylinder of an engine.
5. Chem.
a. a substance, as litmus, that indicates the presence or concentration of a certain constituent.
b. a substance often used in a titration to indicate the point at which the reaction is complete.
6. Ecol. a plant or animal that indicates, by its presence in a given area, the existence of certain environmental conditions.
[1660-70; < ML indicator, equiv. to L indica(re) to INDICATE + -tor -TOR]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Indicator — Indicator …   Wikipédia en Français

  • indicator — INDICATÓR, OÁRE, indicatori, oare, adj., s.n., s.m. I. adj. Care indică, care face cunoscut. II.1. s.n. Aparat, instrument, dispozitiv care serveşte la indicarea anumitor mărimi, fenomene, informaţii etc. ♢ Indicator de pantă = inclinometru.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Indicator — may mean:* pH indicator, a chemical detector for protons in acid base titrations * Redox indicator, a chemical detector for redox titrations * Complexometric indicator, a chemical detector for metal ions in complexometric titrations * Zeta… …   Wikipedia

  • Indicator — In di*ca tor ([i^]n d[i^]*k[=a] t[ e]r), n. [L.: cf. F. indicateur.] [1913 Webster] 1. One who, or that which, shows or points out; as, a fare indicator in a street car. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mach.) A pressure gauge; a water gauge, as for a steam… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • indicator — (n.) 1660s, from L.L. indicator, agent noun from indicare (see INDICATION (Cf. indication)). As a finger muscle, from 1690s …   Etymology dictionary

  • Indicātor — (lat.), 1) der Streckmuskel des Zeigefingers; 2) (Honigkukuk), Gattung der kukuksartigen Klettervögel …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • indicator — I noun attestant, attester, augury, auspice, badge, beacon, clue, cue, emblem, ensign, flag, foreshadowing, harbinger, herald, hint, index, informant, informer, landmark, mark, note, pointer, precursor, prognostic, semaphore, sign, stamp, symbol …   Law dictionary

  • indicator — [n] sign barometer, beacon, clue, dial, gauge, guide, hint, index, mark, meter, omen, pointer, signal, symbol, warning; concepts 274,529,673,689 …   New thesaurus

  • indicator — ► NOUN 1) a thing that indicates a state or level. 2) a gauge or meter of a specified kind. 3) a flashing light on a vehicle to show that it is about to change lanes or turn. 4) Brit. an information board or screen in a railway station, airport,… …   English terms dictionary

  • indicator — [in′di kāt΄ər] n. 1. a person or thing that indicates; specif., a) any device, as a gauge, dial, register, or pointer, that measures or records and visibly indicates b) an apparatus that diagrams the varying fluid pressure of an engine in… …   English World dictionary

  • indicator — Used in the context of general equities. technical or fundamental measurement that securities analysts use to forecast the market s direction, such as investment advisory sentiment, volume of stock trading, direction of interest rates, and buying …   Financial and business terms

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