
indeterminist, n., adj.indeterministic, adj.
/in'di terr"meuh niz'euhm/, n. Philos.
1. the doctrine that human actions, though influenced somewhat by preexisting psychological and other conditions, are not entirely governed by them but retain a certain freedom and spontaneity.
2. the theory that the will is to some extent independent of the strength of motives, or may itself modify their strength in choice.
[1870-75; IN-3 + DETERMINISM]

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  • indeterminism — INDETERMINÍSM s.n. Concepţie filozofică opusă determinismului, care afirmă că oamenii dispun de o libertate absolută a voinţei. – Din fr. indéterminisme. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  indeterminísm s. n. Trimis de siveco,… …   Dicționar Român

  • indeterminism — [in΄dē tʉr′mi niz΄əm, in΄ditʉr′mi niz΄əm] n. [ IN 2 + DETERMINISM] 1. the doctrine that the will is free or to some degree free in that one s actions and choices are not altogether the necessary result of a sequence of causes 2. the quality or… …   English World dictionary

  • Indeterminism — Non determinism redirects here. For similar articles, see Indeterminacy Indeterminism is the philosophical belief contradictory to determinism: that there are events which do not correspond with determinism (and therefore are uncaused in some… …   Wikipedia

  • indeterminism — nepriežastingumas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. indeterminism vok. Indeterminismus, m rus. индетерминизм, m pranc. indéterminisme, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • indeterminism — noun Date: 1874 1. a. a theory that the will is free and that deliberate choice and actions are not determined by or predictable from antecedent causes b. a theory that holds that not every event has a cause 2. the quality or state of being… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • indeterminism — noun The doctrine that all human actions are not so much determined by the preceding events, conditions, causes or karma as by deliberate choice or free will. Syn: free will, libertarianism Ant: determinism, fatalism …   Wiktionary

  • indeterminism — The view that some events have no causes. They just happen, and nothing in the previous state of the world explains them. According to quantum mechanics, quantum events have this character. See also determinism …   Philosophy dictionary

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  • Indeterminism — the philosophical belief contradictory to determinism: that there are events which do not correspond with determinism (and therefore are uncaused in some sense) …   Mini philosophy glossary

  • indeterminism — noun 1》 Philosophy the doctrine that not all events are wholly determined by antecedent causes. 2》 the state of being uncertain or undecided. Derivatives indeterminist noun indeterministic adjective …   English new terms dictionary

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