
inconsequence, inconsequentness, n.inconsequently, adv.
/in kon"si kwent', -kweuhnt/, adj.
1. characterized by lack of proper sequence in thought, speech, or action.
2. characterized by lack of logical sequence; illogical; inconsecutive: inconsequent reasoning.
3. irrelevant: an inconsequent remark.
4. not following from the premises: an inconsequent deduction.
5. not in keeping with the general character or design; inconsistent: inconsequent ornamentation.
6. without worth or consequence; trivial: a frivolous, inconsequent young man.
[1570-80; < LL inconsequent- (s. of inconsequens) not following. See IN-3, CONSEQUENT]

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  • Inconsequent — (v. lat.), nicht folgerecht, unbeständig; daher Inconsequenz, s. Consequenz 1) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • inconsequent — index disproportionate, extraneous, impertinent (irrelevant), inapposite, incongruous, inconsequential, irrelevant …   Law dictionary

  • inconsequent — (adj.) 1570s, not following as a logical conclusion, from L. inconsequentem (nom. inconsequens) not logically connected, from in not, opposite of, without (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + consequens, pp. of consequi to follow (see CONSEQUENCE (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

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