
/im promp"tooh, -tyooh/, adj.
1. made or done without previous preparation: an impromptu address to the unexpected crowds.
2. suddenly or hastily prepared, made, etc.: an impromptu dinner.
3. improvised; having the character of an improvisation.
4. without preparation: verses written impromptu.
5. something impromptu; an impromptu speech, musical composition, performance, etc.
6. a character piece for piano common in the 19th century and having, despite its title, a clear-cut form.
[1660-70; < F < L in promptu in readiness; see IN, PROMPT]

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      a 19th-century piano composition intended to produce the illusion of spontaneous improvisation. In keeping with this fundamental premise, there is no particular form associated with the impromptu, although ternary and rondo schemes are common. The style of the music is similar to that of other compositions of the period, with such designations as fantasie, caprice, and bagatelle.

      The name impromptu first appeared in 1822 as the title of piano pieces by the Bohemian composer Jan Hugo Voříšek and the German Heinrich Marschner. Among the best-known impromptus are those by Franz Schubert (Opuses 90 and 142) and Frédéric Chopin (Opuses 29, 36, and 51). Impromptus were also written by Ludwig van Beethoven, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Gabriel Fauré, and Aleksandr Scriabin.

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  • impromptu — impromptu, ue [ ɛ̃prɔ̃pty ] n. m., adj. et adv. • 1651; lat. in promptu « en évidence, sous la main » I ♦ N. m. 1 ♦ Hist. littér. Petite pièce composée sur le champ et, en principe, sans préparation. « L Impromptu de Versailles », de Molière… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • impromptu — IMPROMPTÚ, impromptuuri, s.n. Compoziţie muzicală instrumentală cu caracter de improvizaţie şi de obicei lirică, agitată. [pr.: empromtü] – Din fr. impromptü. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  impromptú s. n., art. impromptúul (sil. ptu …   Dicționar Român

  • Impromptu — Im*promp tu, adv. or a. [F. impromptu, fr. L. in promptu in readiness, at hand; in in + promptus visibility, readiness, from promptus visible, ready. See {Prompt}.] Offhand; without previous study; extemporaneous; extempore; as, an impromptu… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • impromptu — [im prämp′to͞o΄] adj., adv. [Fr < L in promptu, in readiness < in, in + promptu, abl. of promptus, readiness < promptus, brought out, ready, PROMPT] without preparation or advance thought; offhand n. an impromptu speech, performance, etc …   English World dictionary

  • impromptu — 1660s (adv.), 1764 (adj.), from Fr. impromptu (1650s), from L. in promptu in readiness, from assimilated form of in into, in, on, upon (see IN (Cf. in ) (2)) + promptu, ablative of promptus readiness, from pp. of promere to bring out, from pro… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Impromptu — Im*promp tu, n. 1. Something made or done offhand, at the moment, or without previous study; an extemporaneous composition, address, or remark. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mus.) A piece composed or played at first thought; a composition in the style of an …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • impromptu — index impulsive (rash), spontaneous, unexpected, unpremeditated Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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