- impoverished
/im pov"euhr isht, -pov"risht/, adj.1. reduced to poverty.3. deprived of strength, vitality, creativeness, etc.: an impoverished attempt at humor.[1625-35; IMPOVERISH + -ED2]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
impoverished — index bankrupt, deficient, destitute, impecunious, insolvent, penurious, poor (underprivileged) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. Will … Law dictionary
impoverished — [adj] poor, exhausted bankrupt, barren, beggared, broke, clean, depleted, destitute, distressed, drained, empty, flat*, flat broke*, have not*, hurting, impecunious, indigent, insolvent, necessitous, needy, penurious, played out*, poverty… … New thesaurus
impoverished — im|pov|er|ished [ ım pav(ə)rıʃt ] adjective 1. ) an impoverished person or place is very poor: a remote and impoverished island 2. ) something that is impoverished has become worse in quality … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
impoverished — UK [ɪmˈpɒvərɪʃt] / US [ɪmˈpɑv(ə)rɪʃt] adjective 1) an impoverished person or place is very poor a remote and impoverished island 2) something that is impoverished has become worse in quality … English dictionary
impoverished — adjective a) very poor: an impoverished student. b) worse in quality: Our lives would be impoverished without music … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
impoverished — adjective 1) an impoverished peasant farmer Syn: poor, poverty stricken, penniless, destitute, indigent, impecunious, needy, beggared, beggarly, pauperized, down and out, bankrupt, ruined, insolvent; informal (flat) broke, hard up, dirt poor … Thesaurus of popular words
Impoverished — Impoverish Im*pov er*ish, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Impoverished}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Impoverishing}.] [OF. empovrir; pref. em (L. in) + povre poor, F. pauvre; cf. OF. apovrir, F. appauvrir, where the prefix is a , L. ad. Cf. {Empoverish}, and see… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
impoverished — adj. Impoverished is used with these nouns: ↑country, ↑neighbourhood … Collocations dictionary
impoverished — /ɪmˈpɒvərɪʃt/ (say im povuhrisht), / vrɪʃt/ (say vrisht) adjective 1. reduced to poverty. 2. poor in quality: impoverished soil …
impoverished material — nuskurdintoji medžiaga statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Kokį nors esminį arba naudingą sandą praradusi medžiaga. atitikmenys: angl. depleted material; impoverished material vok. abgereichertes Material, n rus.… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas