
impersonally, adv.
/im perr"seuh nl/, adj.
1. not personal; without reference or connection to a particular person: an impersonal remark.
2. having no personality; devoid of human character or traits: an impersonal deity.
3. lacking human emotion or warmth: an impersonal manner.
4. Gram.
a. (of a verb) having only third person singular forms and rarely if ever accompanied by an expressed subject, as Latin pluit "it is raining," or regularly accompanied by an empty subject word, as English to rain in It is raining.
b. (of a pronoun or pronominal reference) indefinite, as French on "one."
5. Gram. an impersonal verb or pronoun.
[1510-20; < LL impersonalis. See IM-2, PERSONAL]

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