
/im pas"toh, -pah"stoh/, n. Painting.
1. the laying on of paint thickly.
2. the paint so laid on.
3. enamel or slip applied to a ceramic object to form a decoration in low relief.
[1775-85; < It, n. deriv. of impastare to IMPASTE]

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 paint that is applied to a canvas or panel in quantities that make it stand out from the surface. Impasto was used frequently to mimic the broken-textured quality of highlights—i.e., the surfaces of objects that are struck by an intense light. Impasto came into its own in the 17th century, when such Baroque painters as Rembrandt, Frans Hals, and Diego Velázquez used skillfully and minutely worked impastos to depict lined and wrinkled skin or the sparkle of elaborately crafted armour, jewelry, and rich fabrics. The 19th-century painter Vincent van Gogh (Gogh, Vincent van) made notable use of impastos, building up and defining the forms in his paintings with thick, nervous dabs of paint. Twentieth-century painters such as Jackson Pollock (Pollock, Jackson) and Willem de Kooning (de Kooning, Willem) often applied impastos with a dynamism and a gestural bravura that emphasized the physical qualities of the paint itself. Since then, raw pigments applied thickly to a canvas have become a staple technique of modern abstract and semifigurative painting.

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  • impasto — (n.) laying on of colors thickly, 1784, from It. impasto, noun of action from impastare to raise paste; to put in paste, from assimilated form of in into, in (see IN (Cf. in ) (2)) + pasta paste (see PASTA (Cf. pasta)) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • impasto — s.m. [der. di impastare ]. 1. [azione di impastare: l i. della malta ] ▶◀ impastatura. 2. (estens.) [ciò che si ottiene impastando più sostanze: un i. morbido ] ▶◀ amalgama, composto, (non com.) impastatura, pasta. 3. (fig.) [unione di elementi… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • impasto — ► NOUN Art ▪ the process or technique of laying on paint or pigment thickly so that it stands out from a surface. ORIGIN Italian, from pasta a paste …   English terms dictionary

  • impasto — [im päs′tō, impas′tō] n. [It < impastare: see IMPASTE] 1. painting in which the paint is laid thickly on the canvas 2. paint so laid on …   English World dictionary

  • Impasto — In English, the borrowed Italian word impasto most commonly refers to a technique used in painting, where paint is laid on an area of the surface (or the entire canvas) very thickly, usually thickly enough that the brush or painting knife strokes …   Wikipedia

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