- immunoadsorbent
/im'yeuh noh ad sawr"beuhnt, -zawr"-, i myooh'-/, n. Immunol.immunosorbent.[1970-75; IMMUNO- + ADSORBENT]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
immunoadsorbent — im·mu·no·ad·sor·bent ad sȯr bənt, zȯr n IMMUNOSORBENT immunoadsorbent adj * * * im·mu·no·ad·sor·bent (im″u no ad sorґbənt) a preparation of antigen or antibody in an insoluble form used to bind homologous antibody or antigen,… … Medical dictionary
immunoadsorbent — ¦imyənō, ə̇¦myünōˌ noun Etymology: immuno + adsorbent : immunosorbent herein • immunoadsorbent adjective * * * /im yeuh noh ad sawr beuhnt, zawr , i myooh /, n. Immunol. immunosorbent. [1970 75; IMMUNO + ADSORBENT] … Useful english dictionary
immunoadsorbent — Any insoluble material, eg. cellulose, with either an antigen or an antibody bound to it and that will bind its corresponding antibody or antigen thus removing it from a solution … Dictionary of molecular biology
immunoadsorbent — n. preparation comprised of an antigen or antibody bonded to an insoluble substance (used to isolate and remove its corresponding antibody or antigen from a solution) … English contemporary dictionary
immunoadsorbent — im·mu·no·adsorbent … English syllables
immunosorbent — /im yeuh noh sawr beuhnt, zawr , i myooh /, n. Immunol. an insoluble surface to which a specific antibody is attached for the purpose of removing the corresponding antigen from a solution or suspension. Also called immunoadsorbent. [1970 75;… … Universalium
John Leonora — and instructor at the university s predecessor, the College of Medical Evangelists.Biographical InformationJohn Leonora, the son of Joseph Leonora (March 14, 1883 November 20, 1942) and Carmela Folise Leonora (April 29, 1888 June 20, 1965), was… … Wikipedia
immunosorbent — An antibody (or antigen) used to remove specific antigen (or antibody) from solution or suspension; commonly used with reference to antibody bound to a particulate substance such as a dextran … Medical dictionary
IA — ibotenic acid; image analysis; immediately available; immune adherence; immunoadsorbent; immunobiologic activity; impedance angle; indolaminergic accumulation; indole acetic acid; indolic acid; indulin agar; infantile autism; infected area;… … Medical dictionary
immunoadsorption — im·mu·no·ad·sorp·tion ad sȯrp shən, zȯrp n the process of using an immunosorbent to purify a substance * * * im·mu·no·ad·sorp·tion (im″u no ad sorpґshən) the use of an immunoadsorbent to effect a chemical separation of antigen or… … Medical dictionary