
/ij'ti hahd"/, n.
(in Islamic law) the use of reason to arrive at a knowledge of truth in religious matters.
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In Islamic law, the analysis of problems not covered precisely in the Qurān, the Hadīth, or the scholarly consensus called the ijmāʽ.

In the early Muslim scholarly community, every jurist had the right to exercise such original thinking, but the growth of legal schools prompted Sunnite Muslim authorities to declare that the principal legal issues had been settled by the 10th century. Shīite Muslims have always recognized ijtihād, and jurists considered learned enough for this kind of analysis have great authority. In the 20th century an attempt was made to restore ijtihād among Sunnites to help Islam adapt to the modern world.

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Islamic law

      in Islāmic law, the independent or original interpretation of problems not precisely covered by the Qurʾān, Ḥadīth (traditions concerning the Prophet's life and utterances), and ijmāʿ (scholarly consensus). In the early Muslim community every adequately qualified jurist had the right to exercise such original thinking, mainly raʾy (personal judgment) and qiyās (qiyas) (analogical reasoning), and those who did so were termed mujtahids. But with the crystallization of legal schools (madhabs) under the ʿAbbāsids (reigned 7501258), the Sunnites (Sunnite) (the majority branch of Islām) held at the end of the 3rd century AH that thegates of ijtihādwere closed and that no scholar could ever qualify again as mujtahid. All subsequent generations of jurists were considered bound to taqlīd, the unquestioned acceptance of their great predecessors as authoritative and could, at most, issue legal opinions drawn from established precedents. The Shīʿites (Shīʿite), the minority branch, never followed the Sunnites in this respect and still recognize their leading jurists as mujtahids, although in practice the Shīʿite law is little more flexible than that of the Sunnites. In Shīʿite Iran, the mujtahids act as guardians of the official doctrine, and in committee may veto any law that infringes on Islāmic ordinances.

      Several prominent Sunnite scholars, such as Ibn (Ibn Taymiyyah) Taymīah (12361328) and Jalāl ad-Dīn as-Suyūṭī (Suyūṭī, al-) (14451505), dared to declare themselves mujtahids. In the 19th and 20th centuries reformist movements clamored for the reinstatement of ijtihād as a means of freeing Islām from harmful innovations (bidʿahs) accrued through the centuries and as a reform tool capable of adapting Islām to the requirements of life in a modern world.

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