idiot savant

idiot savant
/id"ee euht sa vahnt", seuh vant", sav"euhnt/; Fr. /ee dyoh sann vahonn"/, pl. idiot savants, Fr. idiots savants /ee dyoh sann vahonn"/. Psychiatry.
a mentally defective person with an exceptional skill or talent in a special field, as a highly developed ability to play music or to solve complex mathematical problems mentally at great speed.
[1925-30; < F: lit., learned idiot]

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People of subnormal intelligence or severely limited emotional range who have prodigious intellectual gifts in a specific area.

Mathematical, musical, artistic, and mechanical abilities have been among the talents demonstrated by idiot savants. Examples include performing rapid mental calculations of huge sums, playing lengthy compositions from memory after a single hearing, and repairing complex mechanisms without training. About 10% of autistic people are idiot savants; mentally retarded people may also be savants, though the incidence is much lower. See also autism.

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