ice tongue

ice tongue
a section of ice projecting from the base of a glacier.

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  • Ice tongue — An ice tongue is a long and narrow sheet of ice projecting out from the coastline. An ice tongue forms when a valley glacier moves very rapidly out into the ocean or a lake.References*cite web | url=… …   Wikipedia

  • ice tongue — a section of ice projecting from the base of a glacier. [1890 95] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Erebus Ice Tongue — (1901 1904) named and charted the ice tongue. [ [http://aadc name.cfm?gaz id=124864 Australian Antarctic Data Centre] , Antarctic Gazetteer Name Details.] Erebus Ice Tongue is about 10 meters high and is centered… …   Wikipedia

  • Drygalski Ice Tongue — The iceberg C 16 collides with Drygalski ice tongue on 30 March 2006. The Drygalski Ice Tongue or Drygalski Barrier or Drygalski Glacier Tongue is a glacier in Antarctica, located on the Scott Coast, in the northern McMurdo Sound of Antarctica s… …   Wikipedia

  • Nordenskjold Ice Tongue — is a broad glacier tongue extending eastward from the Mawson Glacier into the Ross Sea in Antarctica. Discovered by the Discovery expedition (1901–04) and named for Otto Nordenskiöld. Although this feature is a glacier tongue, the generic term… …   Wikipedia

  • Cheetham Ice Tongue — (75°45′S 162°55′E / 75.75°S 162.917°E / 75.75; 162.917) is a small ice tongue on the east coast of Victoria Land between Lamplugh Island and Whitmer Peninsu …   Wikipedia

  • Demas Ice Tongue — (72°17′S 103°7′W / 72.283°S 103.117°W / 72.283; 103.117) is a conspicuous ice tongue, about 20 nautical miles (37 km) long, extending west from Abbot Ice Shelf of Peacock S …   Wikipedia

  • Thwaites Ice Tongue — The Thwaites Ice Tongue (coord|74|00|S|108|30|W|type:glacier region:AQ|display=inline,title) is a large sheet of glacial ice and snow extending from the Antarctic mainland into the southern Amundsen Sea.On 15 March 2002, the National Ice Center… …   Wikipedia

  • Tripp Ice Tongue — (coord|76|34|S|162|45|E|type:glacier region:AQ|display=inline,title) is an ice tongue that occupies the north half of Tripp Bay on the coast of Victoria Land. The feature is nurtured by several glaciers (Fry Glacier, Hedblom Glacier, as well as… …   Wikipedia

  • tongue — [tuŋ] n. [ME tunge < OE, akin to Ger zunge < IE base * dṇĝhū , tongue > L lingua (OL dingua)] 1. the movable muscular structure attached to the floor of the mouth in most vertebrates: it is an important organ in the ingestion of food,… …   English World dictionary

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