Icarus — (Greek: Polytonic|Ἴκαρος, Latin: Íkaros , Etruscan: Vicare ) is a character in Greek mythology. He is the son of Daedalus and is commonly known for his attempt to escape Crete by flight, which ended in a fall to his death.Escape from CreteIcarus… … Wikipedia
Icarus — Icarus, Ikarus: Икарус, ныне Икарбус сербская автобусостроительная, а в прошлом Югославская автобусостроительная и авиастроительная компания Ikarus автобусостроительная компания, основана в 1895 году в Будапеште, Венгрия. IKARUS… … Википедия
Icarus — [ik′ə rəs; ] occas. [ ī′kərəs] n. [L < Gr Ikaros] Gr. Myth. the son of Daedalus; escaping from Crete by flying with wings made by Daedalus, Icarus flies so high that the sun s heat melts the wax by which his wings are fastened, and he falls to … English World dictionary
Icărus — Icărus, Art der Schmetterlingsgattung Castnia … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Icarus — Icarus, von W. Baade 1949 entdeckter Planetoid (Apollo Objekte), dessen Bahn von allen bekannten kosmischen Objekten am dichtesten an die Sonne heranführt (28 Mio. km). Der Durchmesser beträgt nur etwa 1 100 m … Universal-Lexikon
Icarus — son of Daedalus in Greek mythology; he flew too high on artificial wings and so plunged to his death. Used allusively from 1580s. The name is of unknown origin … Etymology dictionary
Icarus — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Icarus (Icare en anglais) peut faire référence à : Icarus (1960), le premier court métrage de Brian De Palma, Icarus (2010), téléfilm de Dolph… … Wikipédia en Français
ICARUS — I. ICARUS Asiae fluv. in Oxum, Sogdianorum fluv. influens. Solin. Et ins. iuxta mare Rubrum. Steph. Et mons Attiacae, Plin. l. 6. c. 17. II. ICARUS Daedali fil. qui una cum patre e Creta fugiens, fretus alarum fiduciâ, quum ultra patris iussa… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Icarus — Asteroid (1566) Icarus Eigenschaften des Orbits (Simulation) Orbittyp Apollo Typ Große Halbachse 1,0779 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Icarus — Ic|a|rus in ancient Greek stories, the son of the inventor ↑Daedalus, who made wings fastened together with ↑wax for himself and Icarus so that they could escape from the island of ↑Crete by flying. But Icarus flew too close to the sun, so that… … Dictionary of contemporary English