/uy/, pron., nom. I, poss. my or mine, obj. me; pl. nom. we, poss. our or ours, obj. us; n., pl. I's.
1. the nominative singular pronoun, used by a speaker in referring to himself or herself.
2. (used to denote the narrator of a literary work written in the first person singular).
3. Metaphys. the ego.
[bef. 900; ME ik, ich, i; OE ic, ih; c. G ich, ON ek, L ego, Gk egó, OCS azu, Lith aš, Skt ahám]
Usage. See me.
interstate (used with a number to designate an interstate highway): I-95.
1. the ninth in order or in a series.
2. (sometimes l.c.) the Roman numeral for 1. Cf. Roman numerals.
3. Chem. iodine.
4. Biochem. isoleucine.
5. Elect. current.
6. Logic. See particular affirmative.
Symbol, Physics. isotopic spin.

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Universalium. 2010.

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