- hypophonesis
/huy'poh feuh nee"sis, -foh-/, n. Med.a sound of less than usual intensity in percussion or auscultation.[HYPO- + -PHONE + -SIS]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
hypophonesis — In percussion or auscultation, a sound that is diminished or fainter than usual. [hypo + G. phonesis, a sounding] * * * hy·po·pho·ne·sis (hi″po fo neґsis) [hypo + phon + esis] diminished intensity of the sound in auscultation or percussion … Medical dictionary
hypophonesis — /huy poh feuh nee sis, foh /, n. Med. a sound of less than usual intensity in percussion or auscultation. [HYPO + PHONE + SIS] … Useful english dictionary