- hypobaropathy
/huy'poh beuh rop"euh thee/, n. Pathol.a condition produced in high altitudes, caused by diminished air pressure and reduced oxygen intake; mountain sickness.[HYPO- + BARO- + -PATHY]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
hypobaropathy — noun Sickness caused by reduced atmospheric pressure, such as altitude sickness … Wiktionary
hypobaropathy — Sickness produced by reduced barometric pressure; not always distinguished from hypobarism and altitude sickness. [hypo + G. baros, weight, + pathos, suffering] * * * hy·po·bar·op·a·thy (hi″po bar opґə the) [hypo + baro + pathy] 1. the … Medical dictionary
hypobaropathy — /huy poh beuh rop euh thee/, n. Pathol. a condition produced in high altitudes, caused by diminished air pressure and reduced oxygen intake; mountain sickness. [HYPO + BARO + PATHY] … Useful english dictionary