- hydrogen
/huy"dreuh jeuhn/, n.a colorless, odorless, flammable gas that combines chemically with oxygen to form water: the lightest of the known elements. Symbol: H; at. wt.: 1.00797; at. no.: 1; density: 0.0899 g/l at 0°C and 760 mm pressure.[1785-95; < F hydrogène. See HYDRO-1, -GEN]
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IA colourless, odourless, tasteless, flammable gas, it occurs as the diatomic molecule H2. Its atom consists of one proton (the nucleus) and one electron; the isotopes deuterium and tritium have an additional one and two nuclear neutrons, respectively. Though only the ninth most abundant element on Earth, it represents about 75% of all matter in the universe. Hydrogen was formerly used to fill airships; nonflammable helium has replaced it. It is used to synthesize ammonia, ethanol, aniline, and methanol; to treat petroleum fuels; as a reducing agent (see reduction) and to supply a reducing atmosphere; to make hydrogen chloride (see hydrochloric acid) and hydrogen bromide; and in hydrogenation (e.g., of fats). Liquid hydrogen (boiling point -423 °F [-252.8 °C]) is used in scientific and commercial applications to produce extremely low temperatures and as a rocket propellant and a fuel for fuel cells. Combustion of hydrogen with oxygen gives water as the sole product. The properties of most acids, especially in water solutions, arise from the hydrogen ion (H+, also referred to as the hydronium ion, H3O+, the form in which H+ is found in a water environment). See also hydride; hydrocarbon.II(as used in expressions)* * *
Introductiona colourless, odourless, tasteless, flammable gaseous substance that is the simplest member of the family of chemical elements. The hydrogen atom has a nucleus consisting of a proton bearing one unit of positive electrical charge; an electron, bearing one unit of negative electrical charge, is also associated with this nucleus. Under ordinary conditions, hydrogen gas is a loose aggregation of hydrogen molecules, each consisting of a pair of atoms, a diatomic molecule, H2. The earliest known important chemical property of hydrogen is that it burns with oxygen to form water, H2O; indeed, the name hydrogen is derived from Greek words meaning “maker of water.”Although hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Galaxy (10 times as abundant as helium, the next most widely occurring element), it makes up only about 0.14 percent of the Earth's crust by weight. It occurs, however, in vast quantities as part of the water in oceans, ice packs, rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere. As part of innumerable carbon compounds, hydrogen is present in all animal and vegetable tissue and in petroleum. Even though it is often said that there are more known compounds of carbon than of any other element, the fact is that, since hydrogen is contained in almost all carbon compounds and also forms a multitude of compounds with all other elements (except some of the noble gases), it is possible that hydrogen compounds are more numerous.Elementary hydrogen finds its principal industrial application in the manufacture of ammonia (a compound of hydrogen and nitrogen, NH3) and in the hydrogenation of carbon monoxide and organic compounds.Hydrogen has three known isotopes. The mass numbers of hydrogen's isotopes are 1, 2, and 3, the most abundant being the mass 1 isotope generally called hydrogen (symbol H, or 1H) but also known as protium. The mass 2 isotope, which has a nucleus of one proton and one neutron and has been named deuterium, or heavy hydrogen (symbol D, or 2H), constitutes 0.0156 percent of the ordinary mixture of hydrogen. Tritium (symbol T, or 3H), with one proton and two neutrons in each nucleus, is the mass 3 isotope and constitutes about 10−15 to 10−16 percent of hydrogen. The practice of giving distinct names to the hydrogen isotopes is justified by the fact that there are significant differences in their properties.Paracelsus, physician and alchemist, in the 16th century unknowingly experimented with hydrogen when he found that a flammable gas was evolved when a metal was dissolved in acid. The gas, however, was confused with other flammable gases, such as hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. In 1766 Henry Cavendish (Cavendish, Henry), English chemist and physicist, showed that hydrogen, then called flammable air, phlogiston, or the flammable principle, was distinct from other combustible gases because of its density and the amount of it that evolved from a given amount of acid and metal. In 1781 Cavendish confirmed previous observations that water was formed when hydrogen was burned, and Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry, coined the French word hydrogène from which the English form is derived. In 1929 Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer, a German physical chemist, and Paul Harteck, an Austrian chemist, on the basis of earlier theoretical work, showed that ordinary hydrogen is a mixture of two kinds of molecules, ortho-hydrogen and para-hydrogen. Because of the simple structure of hydrogen, its properties can be theoretically calculated relatively easily. Hence hydrogen is often used as a theoretical model for more complex atoms, and the results are applied qualitatively to other atoms.Physical and chemical propertiesSome properties of normal hydrogen and deuteriumThe Table (Some properties of normal hydrogen and deuterium) lists the important properties of molecular hydrogen, H2. The extremely low melting and boiling points result from weak forces of attraction between the molecules. The existence of these weak intermolecular forces is also revealed by the fact that, when hydrogen gas expands from high to low pressure at room temperature, its temperature rises, whereas the temperature of most other gases falls. According to thermodynamic principles, this implies that repulsive forces exceed attractive forces between hydrogen molecules at room temperature—otherwise, the expansion would cool the hydrogen. In fact, at −68.6° C attractive forces predominate, and hydrogen, therefore, cools upon being allowed to expand below that temperature. The cooling effect becomes so pronounced at temperatures below that of liquid nitrogen (−196° C) that the effect is utilized to achieve the liquefaction temperature of hydrogen gas itself.Hydrogen is transparent to visible light, to infrared light, and to ultraviolet light to wavelengths below 1800 Å. Because its molecular weight is lower than that of any other gas, its molecules have a velocity higher than those of any other gas at a given temperature and it diffuses faster than any other gas. Consequently, kinetic energy is distributed faster through hydrogen than through any other gas; it has, for example, the greatest heat conductivity.A molecule of hydrogen is the simplest possible molecule. It consists of two protons and two electrons held together by electrostatic forces. Like atomic hydrogen, the assemblage can exist in a number of energy levels.Ortho-hydrogen and para-hydrogenTwo types of molecular hydrogen (ortho and para) are known. These differ in the magnetic interactions (isomerism) of the protons (proton) due to the spinning (spin) motions of the protons. In ortho-hydrogen, the spins of both protons are aligned in the same direction—that is, they are parallel. In para-hydrogen, the spins are aligned in opposite directions and are therefore antiparallel. The relationship of spin alignments determines the magnetic properties of the atoms. Normally, transformations of one type into the other (i.e., conversions between ortho and para molecules) do not occur and ortho-hydrogen and para-hydrogen can be regarded as two distinct modifications of hydrogen. The two forms may, however, interconvert under certain conditions. Equilibrium (thermodynamic equilibrium) between the two forms can be established in several ways. One of these is by the introduction of catalysts (such as activated charcoal or various paramagnetic substances); another method is to apply an electrical discharge to the gas or to heat it to a high temperature.The concentration of para-hydrogen in a mixture that has achieved equilibrium between the two forms depends on the temperature as shown by the following figures:Essentially pure para-hydrogen can be produced by bringing the mixture into contact with charcoal at the temperature of liquid hydrogen; this converts all the ortho-hydrogen into para-hydrogen. The ortho-hydrogen, on the other hand, cannot be prepared directly from the mixture because the concentration of para-hydrogen is never less than 25 percent.The two forms of hydrogen have slightly different physical properties. The melting point of para-hydrogen is 0.10° lower than that of a 3:1 mixture of ortho-hydrogen and para-hydrogen. At −252.77° C the pressure exerted by the vapour over liquid para-hydrogen is 1.035 atmospheres (one atmosphere is the pressure of the atmosphere at sea level under standard conditions, equal to about 14.69 pounds per square inch), compared with 1.000 atmosphere for the vapour pressure of the 3:1 ortho–para mixture. As a result of the different vapour pressures of para-hydrogen and ortho-hydrogen, these forms of hydrogen can be separated by low-temperature gas chromatography, an analytical process that separates different atomic and molecular species on the basis of their differing volatilities.Reactivity (chemical reaction) of hydrogenOne molecule of hydrogen dissociates into two atoms (H2 → 2H) when an energy equal to or greater than the dissociation energy (i.e., the amount of energy required to break the bond (organic compound) that holds together the atoms in the molecule) is supplied. The dissociation energy of molecular hydrogen is 104,000 calories per mole—written 104 kcal/mole (mole: the molecular weight expressed in grams, which is two grams in the case of hydrogen). Sufficient energy is obtained, for example, when the gas is brought into contact with a white-hot tungsten filament or when an electric discharge is established in the gas. If atomic hydrogen is generated in a system at low pressure, the atoms will have a significant lifetime—e.g., 0.3 second at a pressure of 0.5 millimetre of mercury. Atomic hydrogen is very reactive. It combines with most elements to form hydrides (e.g., sodium hydride, NaH), and it reduces metallic oxides, a reaction that produces the metal in its elemental state. The surfaces of metals that do not combine with hydrogen to form stable hydrides (e.g., platinum) catalyze the recombination of hydrogen atoms to form hydrogen molecules and are thereby heated to incandescence by the energy that this reaction releases.Molecular hydrogen can react with many elements and compounds, but at room temperature the reaction rates (reaction rate) are usually so low as to be negligible. This apparent inertness is in part related to the very high dissociation energy of the molecule. At elevated temperatures, however, the reaction rates are high.Sparks or certain radiations can cause a mixture of hydrogen and chlorine to react explosively to yield hydrogen chloride, as represented by the equation H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl. Mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen react at a measurable rate only above 300° C, according to the equation 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O. Such mixtures containing 4 to 94 percent hydrogen ignite when heated to 550°–600° C or when brought into contact with a catalyst, spark, or flame. The explosion of a 2:1 mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is especially violent. Almost all metals and nonmetals react with hydrogen at high temperatures. At elevated temperatures and pressures hydrogen reduces the oxides of most metals and many metallic salts to the metals. For example, hydrogen gas and ferrous oxide react, yielding metallic iron and water, H2 + FeO → Fe + H2O; hydrogen gas reduces palladium chloride to form palladium metal and hydrogen chloride, H2 + PdCl2 → Pd + 2HCl.Hydrogen is absorbed at high temperatures by many transition metals (transition element) (scandium, 21, through copper, 29; yttrium, 39, through silver, 47; hafnium, 72, through gold, 79); and metals of the actinoid (actinium, 89, through lawrencium, 103) and lanthanoid series (lanthanum, 57, through lutetium, 71) to form hard, alloy-like (alloy) hydrides. These are often called interstitial hydrides because, in many cases, the metallic crystal lattice merely expands to accommodate the dissolved hydrogen without any other change.Hydrogen bondSome covalently bonded hydrides have a hydrogen atom bound simultaneously to two separate electronegative atoms, which are then said to be hydrogen bonded. The strongest hydrogen bonds involve the small, highly electronegative atoms of fluorine (F), oxygen, and nitrogen. In the bifluoride ion, HF2−, the hydrogen atom links two fluorine atoms. In the crystal structure of ice, each oxygen atom is surrounded by four other oxygen atoms, with hydrogen atoms between them. Some of the hydrogen bonds are broken when ice melts, and the structure collapses with an increase in density. Hydrogen bonding is important in biology because of its major role in determining the configurations of molecules. The helical (spiral) configurations of certain enormous molecular chains, as in proteins, are held together by hydrogen bonds. Extensive hydrogen bonding in the liquid state explains why hydrogen fluoride (HF), water (H2O), and ammonia (NH3) have boiling points much higher than those of their heavier analogues, hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and phosphine (PH3). Thermal energy required to break up the hydrogen bonds and to permit vaporization is available only at the higher boiling temperatures.The hydrogen in a strong acid, such as hydrochloric (HCl) or nitric (HNO3), behaves quite differently. When these acids dissolve in water, hydrogen (hydrogen ion) in the form of a proton, H+, separates completely from the negatively charged ion, the anion (Cl− or NO3−), and interacts (acid–base reaction) with the water molecules. The proton is strongly attached to one water molecule (hydrated) to form the oxonium ion (H3O+, sometimes called hydronium ion), which in turn is hydrogen-bonded to other water molecules, forming species with formulas such as H(H2O)n+ (the subscript n indicates the number of H2O molecules involved). The reduction of H+ (reduction is the chemical change in which an atom or ion gains one or more electrons) can be represented as the half reaction: H+ + e− → 1/2H2. The energy needed to bring about this reaction can be expressed as a reduction potential. The reduction potential for hydrogen is taken by convention to be zero, and all metals with negative reduction potentials—i.e., metals that are less easily reduced (more easily oxidized; e.g., zinc: Zn2+ + 2e− → Zn, − 0.763 volt)—can, in principle, displace hydrogen from a strong acid solution: Zn + 2H+ → Zn2+ + H2. Metals with positive reduction potentials (e.g., silver: Ag+ + e−→ Ag, + 0.7995 volt) are inert toward the aqueous hydrogen ion.Isotopes (isotope) of hydrogenBy means of the mass spectrograph he had invented, Francis William Aston (Aston, Francis William) in 1927 observed that the line for hydrogen corresponded to an atomic weight on the chemical scale of 1.00756. This value differed by more than the probable experimental error from the value based on the combining weights of hydrogen compounds, 1.00777. Other workers showed that the discrepancy could be removed by postulating the existence of a hydrogen isotope of mass 2 in the proportion of one atom of 2H (or D) to 4,500 atoms of 1H. The problem interested the U.S. chemist Harold C. Urey (Urey, Harold C.), who from theoretical principles predicted a difference in the vapour pressures of hydrogen (H2) and hydrogen deuteride (HD) and thus the possibility of separating (separation and purification) these substances by distillation of liquid hydrogen. In 1931 Urey and two collaborators detected deuterium by its atomic spectrum in the residue of a distillation of liquid hydrogen. Deuterium was first prepared in pure form by the electrolytic method of concentration: when a water solution of an electrolyte, such as sodium hydroxide, is electrolyzed (electrolysis), the hydrogen formed at the cathode contains a smaller fraction of deuterium than the water, and thus deuterium is concentrated in the residue. Almost pure deuterium oxide (D2O, heavy water) is obtained when the solution is reduced to 0.00001 of its original volume. Deuterium can be concentrated also by the fractional distillation of water and by various chemical exchange reactions such as the following (g and 1 indicate gaseous and liquid states, respectively): H2O(g) + HD(g) ⇌ HDO(g) + H2(g); HDO(g) + H2S(g) ⇌ HDS(g) + H2O(g); NH3(l) + HD(g) ⇌ NH2D(l) + H2(g).tritium (T) was first prepared in 1935 by bombarding deuterium (in the form of deuterophosphoric acid) with high-energy deuterons (deuterium nuclei):Tritium is present in minute concentrations in natural water. It is formed continuously in the upper atmosphere by cosmic-ray-induced nuclear reactions. Cosmic rays (cosmic ray), consisting mainly of high-energy protons, react with nitrogen atoms to form neutrons, which in turn react with more nitrogen atoms to form tritium:This naturally formed tritium ends up in the form of water and reaches the surface of the Earth in rain. Tritium is radioactive (radioactivity); it has a half-life of 12.5 years, decaying to a very soft (low energy) negative beta particle (electron; the positive beta particle is called a positron) and a helium-3 nucleus. When a sample of water is stored, it gradually loses its tritium because of radioactive (radioactive isotope) decay. Thus by analyzing water for its tritium content, it is possible to elucidate details of water circulation among oceans, the atmosphere, rivers, and lakes. Tritium is made artificially in nuclear reactors by the reaction of thermal neutrons with lithium:Physical properties of the waters Some properties of normal hydrogen and deuteriumCorresponding compounds of the hydrogen isotopes differ slightly in their physical properties. This difference is shown by the properties of the waters, listed in the Table (Physical properties of the waters), and of the elements, listed in the following Table (Some properties of normal hydrogen and deuterium). The same is true of their chemical properties, both thermodynamic and kinetic. Both deuterium and tritium are useful as isotopic tracers (isotopic tracer) for the investigation of chemical structures and of reaction mechanisms. Generally the value of a tracer arises from the fact that, although its difference in mass (atomic weight) or its radioactivity permits its detection, it is essentially active in the same way that the ordinary atoms of the element are. For most elements, a change of one or of a few mass units is such a small percentage of the total mass that the chemical differences between isotopes are negligible. For hydrogen, however, chemical reactions involving the different isotopes proceed at measurably different rates. These kinetic-isotope effects can be utilized in detailed studies of reaction mechanisms. The rates of reactions of compounds containing deuterium or tritium are usually less than those of the corresponding compounds of ordinary hydrogen.The replacement of hydrogen by deuterium in biological systems can markedly alter the delicately balanced processes. It has been established that neither plants nor animals continue to live and thrive in water containing deuterium oxide in high concentrations.Deuterium and tritium are of interest in connection with thermonuclear (fusion) reactions. The explosion of a hydrogen bomb involves the collision and fusion of light nuclei, including deuterium and tritium. Should a method be found for controlling such fusion processes, as was done with the fission process of the earlier atomic bomb, the raw material for a practically unlimited supply of energy would be available in the deuterium content of water. Such fusion reactions are the source of solar energy.Deuterium oxide is useful in nuclear reactors as a moderator to slow down but not appreciably capture neutrons. It has the advantage of being a liquid that absorbs neutrons only slightly.Production and applications of hydrogenThe most important industrial (chemical industry) method for the production of hydrogen is the catalytic steam–hydrocarbon process, in which gaseous or vaporized hydrocarbons (hydrocarbon) are treated with steam at high pressure over a nickel catalyst (catalysis) at 650°–950° C to produce carbon oxides and hydrogen: CnH2n+2 + nH2O → nCO + (2n + 1)H2; CnH2n+2 + 2nH2O→ nCO2 + (3n + 1)H2. The primary reaction products are processed further in various ways, depending on the desired application of the hydrogen. Another important process for hydrogen production is the noncatalytic partial oxidation of hydrocarbons under elevated pressures: CnH2n+2 + (n/2)O2→ nCO + (n + 1)H2. This process requires a feed system for delivering precise rates of fuel and oxygen, burners of special design to give rapid mixing of the reactants, a refractory-lined reactor, and a cooling system to recover heat from the effluent gases. The latter process is exothermic (heat producing), in contrast to the endothermic (heat absorbing) steam–hydrocarbon process.In a third process, called the pressure catalytic partial oxidation method, the two preceding processes are combined to maintain the required reaction temperature without external heating of the catalyst bed. Superheated steam and hydrocarbons are mixed, preheated, and blended with heated oxygen in a diffuser at the top of the catalytic reactor. The oxygen reacts with the hydrocarbons in a space above the catalyst. The reactants then pass through a bed of nickel catalyst in which the steam–hydrocarbon reactions proceed almost to equilibrium.Before 1940 most of the world production of hydrogen was made by processes based on coal or coke, the principal one being a water–gas reaction between steam and red-hot coke: H2O + C → CO + H2. By 1970, however, relatively little hydrogen was being produced by such processes. For many years relatively small amounts of hydrogen had been produced by the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of salt or sodium hydroxide, the electrode reaction being H2O + e− → 1/2H2 + OH−. The reaction between sulfuric or hydrochloric acid and an active metal like zinc is utilized to liberate hydrogen in the laboratory, but such hydrogen usually contains trace quantities of volatile hydrides, such as arsine (AsH3) and phosphine (PH3), produced by impurities in the metal. These volatile impurities may be removed by bubbling the mixture of gases through a solution of a strong oxidizing agent, such as potassium permanganate.A commercial method was developed for separating hydrogen from carbon monoxide synthesis gas by diffusion. The gas flows under pressure through bundles of tiny hollow polyester fibres through whose walls the hydrogen passes.The largest single use of hydrogen in the world is in ammonia manufacture, which consumes about two-thirds of the world's hydrogen production. Ammonia is manufactured by the so-called Haber-Bosch process, in which hydrogen and nitrogen react in the presence of a catalyst at pressures around 1,000 atmospheres and temperatures around 500° C: N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3. Large amounts of hydrogen are used in the preparation of methanol by the reaction CO + 2H2 → CH3OH. This process is carried out in the presence of certain mixed catalysts containing zinc oxide and chromium oxide at temperatures between 300° and 375° C and at pressures between 275 and 350 atmospheres.Another major application of hydrogen is in the catalytic hydrogenation of organic compounds (organic compound). Unsaturated vegetable and animal oils and fats are hydrogenated to make margarine and vegetable shortening. Hydrogen is used to reduce aldehydes, fatty acids, and esters to the corresponding alcohols. Aromatic compounds can be reduced to the corresponding saturated compounds, as in the conversion of benzene to cyclohexane and of phenol to cyclohexanol. Nitro compounds can be reduced easily to amines.Hydrogen has been used as a primary rocket fuel for combustion with oxygen or fluorine and is favoured as a propellant for nuclear-powered rockets and space vehicles. Another increasing use of hydrogen is in the direct reduction of iron ores to metallic (metallurgy) iron and in the reduction of the oxides of tungsten and molybdenum to the metals. A hydrogen (reducing) atmosphere is employed in the pouring of special castings, in the manufacture of magnesium, in the annealing of metals, and for the cooling of large electric motors. Hydrogen was once used for inflating lighter-than-air vessels, such as dirigibles and balloons, but now helium is generally used because it is nonflammable. The barrage balloons used in England during World War II, however, were filled with hydrogen. Liquid hydrogen is used in the laboratory to produce low temperatures.AnalysisWhen atoms are excited, as in an electric discharge, they radiate light at discrete wavelengths that appear as lines in the spectrum. Inasmuch as the wavelengths of atomic spectral lines (spectral line series) are characteristic of the element, the atomic spectrum may be used for identifying the element. The simplest of all such spectra is that of hydrogen. Johann Jakob Balmer (Balmer, Johann Jakob), a Swiss mathematician and secondary school teacher, in 1885 discovered an equation for representing the wavelengths of hydrogen spectral lines, of which nine had been observed in the laboratory and of which five more were photographed in the spectrum of the star Sirius. The wavelengths, lambda (λ), in angstroms, were represented by the formula: λ = 3645.6 [m2/(m2 − 4)], m taking the successive values 3, 4, 5, etc. It was not until 1913 that a theoretical basis for this empirical relation was given by the Danish physicist Niels Bohr in his theory of atomic radiation.The spinning motion of the proton gives it magnetic (magnetic resonance) properties and causes it to precess in an applied magnetic field, much as a spinning top precesses in a gravitational field. The frequency at which a particular proton precesses is determined by its local electrical environment and by the strength of the applied magnetic field. When hydrogen compounds are irradiated with electromagnetic waves of a particular frequency, the phenomenon of resonance (nuclear magnetic resonance) absorption occurs at magnetic field strengths that are different for each structurally (magnetically) distinguishable proton in the compound. Thus, proton magnetic resonance makes it possible to distinguish the structural types of hydrogen atoms present; furthermore, the absorption peak intensities are proportional to the number of hydrogen atoms of each kind. The absorption peaks are often split, however, because of the magnetic interaction of the proton magnetic moments among themselves. Proton-magnetic-resonance measurements provide data for the investigation of chemical structure.One method for determining the total hydrogen content of a substance is to oxidize the substance completely in a stream of pure oxygen, which reacts with the hydrogen to produce water vapour. The resulting vapours are passed through a powerful dehydrating agent, such as magnesium perchlorate, which absorbs the water. From the increase in weight of the absorption tube containing the desiccant, the amount of hydrogen oxidized can be calculated. Gaseous hydrogen or hydrogen compounds may be oxidized by passing them over hot copper oxide, and the resulting water can then be collected and weighed and the amount of hydrogen calculated; to measure the hydrogen gas itself, the water vapour from the oxidation may be reduced to hydrogen gas by passing it over hot uranium metal—the hydrogen then being measured in a simple device called a gas buret.Strongly acidic hydrogen atoms (as in compounds such as HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, etc.) can be determined in solution by adding measured amounts of a strong base, such as sodium hydroxide, NaOH, until the acid is neutralized, using an indicator to determine the end point. The net reaction is H+ + OH− → H2O. Weakly acidic hydrogen atoms (such as that attached to the oxygen in ethanol, C2H5OH, and those attached to the nitrogen in acetamide, CH3CONH2) can be converted to methane (measured in a gas buret) by reaction with the methyl Grignard reagent, CH3MgI. Hydridic hydrogen atoms (as in NaBH4, LiH, etc.) can be converted to molecular hydrogen (measured in a gas buret) by reaction with an aqueous acid.William Lee Jolly Ed.Additional ReadingAdalbert Farkas, Orthohydrogen, Parahydrogen, and Heavy Hydrogen (1935), is a classic monograph by an early researcher in this area. Isidor Kirshenbaum, Physical Properties and Analysis of Heavy Water (1951), is a comprehensive treatise. Willard F. Libby, Collected Papers, vol. 1, Tritium and Radiocarbon (1981), contains classic articles on tritium dating. E. Anthony Evans, Tritium and Its Compounds, 2nd ed. (1974), is a compact source of information. R.P. Bell, The Proton in Chemistry, 2nd ed. (1973); and Howard K. Rae (ed.), Separation of Hydrogen Isotopes (1978), are also useful.William Lee Jolly Ed.* * *
Universalium. 2010.