
/huy"dreuh foyl'/, n.
1. Naval Archit. a surface form creating a thrust against water in a direction perpendicular to the plane approximated by the surface.
2. Naut.
a. a winglike member having this form, designed to lift the hull of a moving vessel.
b. a vessel equipped with hydrofoils.
[1915-20; HYDRO-1 + FOIL2]

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      underwater fin with a flat or curved winglike surface that is designed to lift a moving boat or ship by means of the reaction upon its surface from the water through which it moves. Ships that use hydrofoils, or foils, are themselves called hydrofoils. Hydrofoils can lift a boat's hull clear of the water as speed increases, and the resultant reduction in drag yields higher speeds without expending more horsepower.

      The two main foil systems now in use are the surface-piercing and submerged types. Surface-piercing foils just break the surface of the water and are usually arranged in a V-shape. Foils that stay fully submerged project down into the water vertically. When at rest or steaming slowly, a hydrofoil ship supports its weight by its own buoyance, but as speed is increased, the foils carry progressively more weight until the ship's hull is raised clear of the water. Hydrofoil ships are faster than ships of conventional design but are limited to moderate sizes.

      The first efficient manned hydrofoil ship was built in Italy about 1900 by Enrico Forlanini. Hydrofoils were not widely used until the 1950s, when military and commercial models were built. By the 1970s hydrofoil craft were in operation in many places, and speeds of up to 80 knots (nautical miles per hour) had been achieved.

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