Hungarian goulash
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Hungarian goulash — noun a rich meat stew highly seasoned with paprika • Syn: ↑goulash, ↑gulyas • Hypernyms: ↑stew • Hyponyms: ↑beef goulash, ↑pork and veal goulash, ↑porkholt * * … Useful english dictionary
Goulash — Soupe de goulash dans un bogrács Autre nom Gulyásleves, Bográcsgulyás Lieu d origine … Wikipédia en Français
goulash — [go͞o′läsh΄; ] also [, go͞o′lash΄] n. [Ger gulasch < Hung gulyás, lit., cattle herder (< gulya, cattle), hence herdsman s food] a stew made of beef or veal and onions, and sometimes other vegetables, and seasoned with paprika: also… … English World dictionary
hungarian — goulash (stew); hungarian paprika (red paprika permeability vitamin or vitamin P) … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
Goulash — For a style of play of contract bridge, see Goulash (bridge). Goulash (plural: goulashes) is a soup or stew of meat, noodles and vegetables (especially potatoes), seasoned with paprika and other spices.[1] Originating in Hungary, goulash is also… … Wikipedia
goulash — /gooh lahsh, lash/, n. 1. Also called Hungarian goulash. a stew of beef or veal and vegetables, with paprika and other seasoning. 2. a heterogeneous mixture; hodgepodge; jumble. 3. a deal in bridge for producing hands of unusual distribution, in… … Universalium
goulash — n. Hungarian goulash * * * Hungarian goulash … Combinatory dictionary
goulash — (GOO lahsh) [Hungarian: herdsman’s meat] A stew made with beef or veal, vegetables, sour cream, paprika, and sometimes sauerkraut; also called Hungarian goulash. By extension, a mixture of diverse elements; a hodgepodge … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
Goulash Communism — (Hungarian: gulyáskommunizmus ) or goulash democracy refers to the variety of socialism as practised in the Hungarian People s Republic from the 1960s until the collapse of communism in Hungary in 1989. With elements of free market and improved… … Wikipedia
goulash — 1866, from Hungarian gulyáshês, from gulyás herdsman + hês meat. In Hungarian, beef or lamb soup made by herdsmen while pasturing … Etymology dictionary