
/hub/, n., v., hubbed, hubbing.
1. the central part of a wheel, as that part into which the spokes are inserted.
2. the central part or axle end from which blades or spokelike parts radiate on various devices, as on a fan or propeller.
3. a center around which other things revolve or from which they radiate; a focus of activity, authority, commerce, transportation, etc.: Chicago is a railroad hub.
4. the Hub, Boston, Mass. (used as a nickname).
5. the peg or hob used as a target in quoits and similar games.
6. any one of the holes in an electrical panel, into which connections may be plugged.
7. Coining. a design of hardened steel in relief, used as a punch in making a die.
8. Survey. a stake bearing a tack used to mark a theodolite position.
9. Metalworking. a die forced into a metal blank.
10. Metalworking. to stamp (a metal blank) with a hub.
[1505-15; perh. var. of HOB1]
Syn. 3. core, pivot, heart.

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  • Hub — (h[u^]b), n. [See 1st {Hob}.] 1. The central part, usually cylindrical, of a wheel; the nave. See Illust. of {Axle box}. [1913 Webster] 2. The hilt of a weapon. Halliwell. [1913 Webster] 3. A rough protuberance or projecting obstruction; as, a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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