- Huastec
—Haustecan, adj.1. a member of an Indian people of Mexico.2. a Mayan language, the language of the Huastecs.[1835-45; < MexSp huasteco < Nahuatl huaxtecatl person from Huaxtlan, equiv. to huax(in) a tropical tree that produces edible pods + -tlan locative suffix, -tecatl suffix of ethnic names]
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▪ peopleMayan Indians of Veracruz and San Luís Potosí states in east-central Mexico. The Huastec are independent both culturally and geographically from other Mayan peoples. They are farmers, corn (maize) being the staple crop. Coffee and henequen are also grown, as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables. Poultry, pigs, donkeys, horses, and cattle are also kept. Settlements of several houses are usual; the houses are round, of poles or bamboo, with thatched roofs. Weaving of henequen fibre into mats, bags, ropes, hats, and the like is common. Pottery is made, and needlepoint embroidery has taken the place of textile weaving for the most part. Men wear factory-made clothing, and women may wear shapeless homemade dresses or white blouses, dark, short, knee-length skirts, and sashes, all of factory-woven cloth. More traditional clothing is worn for fiestas and special occasions.Ritual kinship is practiced; godparents are chosen at baptism, confirmation, and marriage. Children of godparents are considered siblings and not eligible for marriage. Religion is Roman Catholic with few pagan elements; saints' days are celebrated monthly.* * *
Universalium. 2010.