
/hows"plant', -plahnt'/, n.
an ornamental plant that is grown indoors or adapts well to indoor culture.
[1870-75; HOUSE + PLANT]

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Plant adapted for growing indoors, commonly a member of a species that flourishes naturally only in warm climates.

Two factors contribute to the success of the huge number of species grown as houseplants: they must be easy to care for, and they must be able to tolerate the fairly low levels of light and humidity found in most homes. Houseplants are selected for their foliage or flowers or both. Aspects of a houseplant's environment that must be managed include light, temperature and humidity, soil, water, and nutrients.

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      any plant adapted for growing indoors. The most common are exotic plants native to warm, frost-free parts of the world that can be grown indoors in colder climates in portable containers or miniature gardens. Most houseplants are, therefore, derived from plants native to the tropics and near tropics. Those that make the best indoor subjects are the species that adjust comfortably to the rather warm, dry conditions that generally prevail in indoor living spaces.

      Although many plants can be grown successfully indoors, there are certain groups that, because of their attractiveness and relative ease of maintenance, are generally considered the best houseplants. These include the aroids, bromeliads, succulents (including cacti), ferns, begonias, and palms, all of which have long been favourites. Somewhat more demanding are those that are grown primarily for their flowersAfrican violets, camellias, gardenias, geraniums (Pelargonium species), and orchids.

Historical background
      Paintings and sculptures make clear that the practice of indoor gardening can be traced at least to the early Greeks and Romans, who grew plants in pots and perhaps brought them into their homes. The older civilizations of Egypt, India, and China also made use of pot plants but usually in outdoor situations, often in courtyards that were extensions of the house; and for centuries the Japanese have carried on the dwarfing of trees and other plants for room ornaments. But the popular art of growing houseplants did not receive much comment until the 17th century, when, in The Garden of Eden (1652), Sir Hugh Platt, an English agricultural authority, wrote of the possibility of cultivating plants indoors. Shortly thereafter, glasshouses (greenhouses (greenhouse)) and conservatories, which had been used during Roman times to force plants to flower, were built in England and elsewhere to house exotic plants. In mid-19th-century England and France, books began to appear on the growing of plants in private residences, and the use of enclosed glass cases of plants (the wardian cases, or terraria) became popular.

Types of houseplants
      There are thousands of tropical and subtropical plants that can adapt to growing indoors. Although some fancy exotic species do well only in a humid conservatory or a glass-enclosed terrarium, a great many species have been introduced that endure the adverse conditions of dry heat and low light intensity that prevail in many houses. A selection of the more widely favoured houseplants follows, under two sections: foliage plants, some of which also bear interesting flowers; and flowering plants, species kept primarily for their flowers.

Foliage plants
      In the aroid family, which has provided a range of long-lived houseplants, most prominent are the philodendrons (Philodendron). These are handsome tropical American plants, generally climbers, with attractive leathery leaves, heart-shaped, and often cut into lobes. Monstera deliciosa, or Philodendron pertusum, the Swiss cheese plant, has showy, glossy, perforated leaves slashed to the margins.

      The dumb canes (dumb cane), of the genus Dieffenbachia, appear in a number of attractive species. They are handsome tropical foliage plants usually with variegated leaves; they tolerate neglect and thrive even in dry rooms. The Chinese evergreens, of the genus Aglaonema, are fleshy tropical Asian herbs of slow growth, with leathery leaves often bearing silvery or colourful patterns; they are durable and are tolerant of indoor conditions. Members of Scindapsus, popularly known as pothos, or ivy-arums, are tropical climbers from the Malaysian monsoon area; their variegated leaves are usually small in the juvenile stage. They do well in warm and even overheated rooms. The peace lilies (not a true lily), of the genus Spathiphylla, are easy-growing, vigorous tropical herbs forming clumps; they have green foliage and a succession of flowerlike leaves (spathes), usually white. Species of Anthurium, many of which, such as the flamingo flower, have colourful spathes, do best in humid (humidity) conditions. caladium's tropical American tuberous herbs produce fragile-looking but colourful foliage; they keep surprisingly well if protected from chills and wintry drafts.

      Begonias (begonia), with their often very decorative leaves, have long been favourites among houseplants, but, with few exceptions, they require more humidity and fresh air than the modern home provides. Begonia metallica, with its olive-green, silver-haired foliage; B. masoniana, with beautiful green, puckered leaves splotched brown; and B. serratipetala, with small leaves spotted pink, are examples of types more resistant to dry rooms.

      There are many small foliage plants, often with strikingly patterned foliage, native to the tropical forest floor, some of which have become remarkably good houseplants. Among them are several prayer plants (Maranta species), which fold their attractive leaves at night; and the exquisite Calathea makoyana, or peacock plant, with translucent foliage marked with a feathery peacock design. Pilea cadierei, or aluminum plant, is easy to grow; it has fleshy leaves splashed with silver. Codiaeum species, or crotons (croton), are multicoloured foliage plants that need maximum light and warmth to hold their leaves and coloration well. Although primarily thought of as bedding plants, the varicoloured coleuses, or painted nettles, can decorate a sunny window with a brilliant array of leaf patterns. Peperomia species form miniature rosettes or vines with waxy foliage, corrugated and decorated either with silver or creamy white.

      Bromeliads (bromeliad) constitute a plant family peculiar to the Western Hemisphere; they dwell on trees and rocks (as epiphytic plants) or on the forest floor (as terrestrial plants) and usually form rosettes of leathery, concave leaves, many with bizarre designs or striking variegations. Their flowers may be hidden deep in the centre of the rosette, surrounded by a cup of brilliant crimson inner leaves, as in Neoregelia and Nidularium. Species of Aechmea and Guzmania form colourful spikes or heads of long-lasting leathery bracts or bright berries. billbergia species are tubular in shape; their showy flower stalk, with blue flowers, is often pendant. Most forms of Tillandsia and Vriesea have spear-shaped, flattened, colourful flower spikes. The earth stars of the terrestrial genus Cryptanthus are more or less flattened rosettes with striking leaf design, mottled, striped, or tiger-banded in silver over greens and bronzes.

Succulents (succulent)
      Cacti (cactus), most members of which are native to the Western Hemisphere, have developed a special capacity to store water in thick, fleshy bodies. They thrive in much sunlight and need very little water. There are many often curious forms: the tiny button cactus, Epithelantha; the myriad pincushion species of Mammillaria; Parodia, or Tom Thumb cactus; and Rebutia, the pygmy cactus. The last two bloom when young and tiny. Other forms include Gymnocalycium, or chin cactus; Notocactus, or ball cactus; Echinocactus, known as barrel cactus; various Opuntia species, including bunny ears and chollas; and Cephalocereus, or old-man cactus, with its glistening white hair. Larger cacti include Cereus and its relatives, often night-blooming, and the giants of the desert, such as the saguaro (classified as Cereus giganteus or as Carnegiea gigantea), with branching columns up to 50 feet (15 metres) in height. Cacti of tropical forests include the epiphytic Rhipsalis, found also in Africa, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka, and the near-epiphytic leaf, or orchid, cacti, Epiphyllum, which bloom in many colours.

      Succulents other than cacti have also contributed favourite subjects for indoor growing. A typical stem succulent is Euphorbia, with its often angled candelabra-like columns resembling those of cacti. Leaf succulents are represented by Aloe, famous since ancient times as a medicinal plant; Echeveria, or hen and chickens; Kalanchoe tomentosa, the panda plant; Crassula, the jade plant; and Haworthia, which has rosettes with pearly dotted leaves. Durable pot plants include the strap-leaf snake plants, or Sansevieria species; they are remarkable for tolerating much neglect and growing in less than ideal locations.

       Dracaena, the dragon trees, includes such houseplants as D. marginata, from Madagascar, which forms clusters of twisted stems topped by rosettes of narrow, leathery leaves. Other examples are D. deremensisWarneckei,' with its handsome, symmetrical rosette of sword-shaped, milky-green leaves with white stripes; and D. sanderiana, the ribbon plant, a diminutive and slender, highly variegated species that can be grown in water. Similar in appearance is Pandanus veitchii, which has a rosette of leathery, sword-shaped leavesglossy green and banded whitearranged in spirals.

      Several subtropical evergreens can be grown in cooler locations indoors. Preeminent among them is the Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla, or A. excelsa)—not a true pinean undemanding graceful conifer with tiered branches of fresh green needles; it is long-lived even in dim corners in any temperature above freezing. Podocarpus (Podocarpaceae), the somber Buddhist pine, forms dense pyramids of dark-green needlelike leaves; it also prefers cooler locations.

      Among the many broad-leaved woody evergreens used as houseplants is Brassaia actinophylla, the umbrella tree, better known as schefflera. Its spreading crowns of palmately divided, glossy green leaves do best in a light and warm location. Another picturesque plant is Polyscias fruticosa, the Ming aralia, with willowy, twisting stems densely clothed toward their tops with fernlike, lacy foliage.

      The so-called rubber trees of the genus Ficus are widely used in homes and offices. All require good light to hold their foliage well. Best known is the large-leaved F. elasticaDecora,' but perhaps even more attractive, because of their very graceful habit, are several small-leaved kinds, such as F. benjamina, F. retusa, and F. nitida. The giant violin-like, leathery leaves of F. lyrata, better known as F. pandurata, make the plant an attractive indoortree.” Coccoloba, the sea grape, is another sturdy woody plant, somewhat resembling Ficus, with leathery, rounded leaves and crimson veining.

      Because of their majestic beauty and distinctive decorative appeal many palms are grown indoors. Best known of the feather palms is the paradise palm (Howea, or Kentia), which combines grace with sturdiness; its thick, leathery leaves can stand much abuse. The parlour palms and bamboo palms of the genus Chamaedorea have dainty fronds on slender stalks; they keep well even in fairly dark places. Similar in appearance is the areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus) with slender yellowish stems carrying feathery fronds in clusters. The pygmy date (Phoenix roebelenii), a compact palm with gracefully arching, dark-green leaves, is an excellent houseplant if kept warm and moist.

Ferns (fern)
      Ferns, which come in a wide variety of forms, provide many popular houseplants. Among the best smaller parlour ferns is the sword fern, Nephrolepis, with bushy rosettes of leafy fronds; the holly fern (Cyrtomium), which has glossy dark leathery leaves; and the leatherleaf fern (Rumohra), with its leathery but lacy fronds. The bird's-nest fern (Asplenium nidus) forms a rosette of parchment-textured, fanlike, light-green fronds. Long-lasting Polypodium, often known as hare's-foot fern because of its pawlike, woolly rhizomes (rootlike structures), has feathery leaves on slender stalks. Among the attractive damp-loving ferns are the several species of dainty maidenhairs (Adiantum). The so-called table ferns are a varied group of mainly Pteris and Pellaea species; some are frilly, others variegated; and in their younger stages they are ideal subjects for terraria. The Platycerium, or staghorn fern, has always aroused great curiosity because of its unusual shape. Growing as epiphytes on trees, these ferns have sterile fronds that cling snugly to the bark or, in cultivation, to a wire basket or wooden block; their much divided fertile fronds resemble the antlers of deer. One of the best of the palmlike tree ferns is the Hawaiian Cibotium, with a stout, fibrous trunk that bears a crown of light-green fronds.

      Popular fernlike plants include Asparagus species that have plumy fronds. Species of Selaginella, called sweat plants or club moss, are strictly warm terrarium subjects; their delicate fronds greedily soak up moisture from the atmosphere to keep from shriveling.

Climbers and trailers
      Climbers and trailers, weeping plants with stems too weak to support themselves, occur in most plant families. Best known are many varieties of ivy (Hedera). Generally, they prefer a cool location, but some small-leaved or variegated varieties do well on the windowsill. Several Cissus species, such as C. rhombifolia, the grape ivy, with metallic foliage, and the leathery C. antarctica, or kangaroo vine, are excellent plants for boxes or room dividers. Intriguing is the slow-growing Hoya, or wax plant, with leathery foliage and waxy, wheel-shaped blooms. By contrast, the inch plants and wandering jew, species of Tradescantia and Zebrina, are rapid growers with watery stems and varicoloured leaves; these long-beloved houseplants are used widely in window shelves or hanging baskets. The spider plants (spider plant) (Chlorophytum, or Anthericum) are houseplant favourites, forming clusters of fresh green ribbonlike leaves banded white; young plantlets develop from the tips of arching stalks.

Flowering plants (angiosperm)
      Most of the flowering potted plants seen at holiday times are not easy subjects for long-term indoor cultivation. They require high light intensity, careful watering, and daynight differences in temperature that are not usually available in the home; greenhouses (greenhouse) offer better chances for successful cultivation. There are exceptions, however; one of the most successfully adapted houseplants is the African violet (Saintpaulia), with countless named varieties, with blossoms from violet blue through rose to white and single- and double-flowered forms. Window bloomers, such as Abutilon, the parlour maples, have bell-like flowers resembling Chinese lanterns. Impatiens, or busy Lizzie, is a genus of succulent herbs producing a succession of spurred flowers in gay colours. Hibiscus, the rose mallows, has short-lived giant blossoms in brilliant colours. Geraniums (geranium) (botanically Pelargonium) have long been popular flowering plants in the sunny window; the foliage is often variegated or scented, and flower clusters may be in reds, pinks, and white.

      A number of bulbous plants do well in lighted windows, including Hippeastrum, better known as amaryllis; Haemanthus, the blood lily; Neomarica, the apostle plant; and Veltheimia, the forest lily.

      Orchids (orchid) present a more difficult and specialized subject for successful home cultivation, usually because of their requirements for light, controlled temperature, and sufficient humidity and ventilation. There are some kinds, however, that give good results with ordinary care: epiphytic Epidendrum species, with waxy, usually fragrant, often greenish blossoms; and Oncidium species, or butterfly orchids, with brightly coloured, long-lasting yellow flowers marked with brown and often produced in large sprays.

      Small flowering plants that produce edible fruit can be grown on a windowsill. With sufficient light and ventilation, success may be had with the Calamondin orangeCitrofortunella mitis), the dwarf Chinese lemon (Citrus limonMeyeri'), and the American-wonder lemon (C. limonPonderosa'). The fig tree (Ficus carica) can be grown to yield edible fruit, as can the dwarf Cavendish banana (Musa acuminata, formerly M. nana) and the dwarf pomegranate (Punica granatum nana), the pineapple (Ananas comosus), and the coffee tree (Coffea arabica).

Alfred Byrd Graf Roy Perrott

Additional Reading
Roy Hay et al., The Dictionary of Indoor Plants in Colour (1974, reissued 1983); Anthony Huxley (ed.), The World Guide to House Plants (1983); and Thomas Rochford and Richard Gorer, The Rochford Book of Houseplants, rev. ed. (1973).

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Universalium. 2010.

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