
/hows"kahrl'/, n.
a member of the household troops or bodyguard of a Danish or early English king or noble.
[bef. 1050; ME; late OE huscarl < Dan huskarl. See HOUSE, CARL]

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Scandinavian royal troops
also spelled  huscarl , Old Norse  húskarl (“house man”) , Danish and Norwegian  hird (“household,” orhousehold member”) 

      member of the personal or household troops or bodyguard of Scandinavian kings and chieftains in the Viking and medieval periods. The housecarls achieved a celebrated place in European history as the Danish occupation force in England under Canute the Great (Canute (I)) in 101535.

      Canute's 3,000-man force, which remained in England after the invasion army had been sent home, does not represent the typical size of a royal retinue; forces of approximately 90 men were more common. Housecarls were distinguished by great personal loyalty to their employers; in exchange they received booty and maintenance in the employer's household or court. Their lives were regulated by laws that governed their personal behaviour, military chain of command, and civil functions (police work and tax collection, for example). Housecarls disappeared after the rise of military aristocracies and bureaucratized royal courts in the late Middle Ages.

      During World War II, the Norwegian Nazi Vidkun Quisling revived the term Hird (plural Hirden) for his political stormtroopers.

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