- horseshit
n.1. nonsense, lies, or exaggeration.2. tedious, annoying, or unreasonable chores, demands, regulations, or the like.[HORSE + SHIT]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
horseshit — n. A ludicrously false statement. [Vulgar slang] Syn: bullshit, bull, Irish bull, shit, crap, bunk, bunkum, buncombe, guff, rot, hogwash, dogshit. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
horseshit — [hôrs′shit΄, hôr′shit΄] [Vulgar Slang] Vulgar Slang n. 1. horse excrement 2. foolish or exaggerated talk or behavior; nonsense interj. nonsense … English World dictionary
horseshit — 1. n. the dung of the horse. (Usually objectionable.) □ After the parade, the street was littered with horseshit. 2. n. nonsense; bullshit. (Usually objectionable.) □ I’ve heard enough of your horseshit! □ That’s just a lot of horseshit! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
horseshit — noun a) Serious harassment or abuse. That scumbag dumped a whole carload of horseshit over his associates. b) Blatant nonsense, more likely stemming from ignorance than any intent to deceive. Dont you realize thats horseshit? … Wiktionary
horseshit — n American nonsense, foolish or empty talk. A popu lar term in the USA where it is similar in meaning to bullshit, with perhaps the suggestion that horseshit is more trans parently ludicrous or frivolous. The Brit ish apparently still view the… … Contemporary slang
horseshit — AmE taboo nonsense bullshit: That s total horseshit! … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
horseshit — n. nonsense; rubbish; foolish talk or ideas. Don t give me any horseshit … English slang
horseshit — noun Date: 1923 usually vulgar nonsense, bunk … New Collegiate Dictionary
Horseshit — nonsense; rubbish; bullshit … Dictionary of Australian slang
horseshit — Australian Slang nonsense; rubbish; bullshit … English dialects glossary