- hook shot
a shot with one hand in which a player extends the shooting arm to the side and brings it back over the head toward the basket while releasing the ball.[1940-45]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
hook shot — hook′ shot n. spo a one handed basketball shot made with a sweeping arc of the arm over the head • Etymology: 1940–45 … From formal English to slang
hook shot — ☆ hook shot n. Basketball a one handed shot in which the extended arm is brought sideways over the head in tossing the ball toward the basket … English World dictionary
Hook shot — A hook shot, in basketball, is a play in which the offensive player, usually turned perpendicular to the basket, gently throws the ball with a sweeping motion of his arm in an upward arc with a follow through which ends over his head. Unlike the… … Wikipedia
hook shot — /ˈhʊk ʃɒt/ (say hook shot) noun 1. Golf → hook (def. 8). 2. Cricket → hook (def. 9) …
Hook shot — Ein Hakenwurf Der Hakenwurf (engl. Hook shot) ist eine Wurftechnik in der Sportart Basketball. Dabei wird der Ball mit nach oben ausgestrecktem Arm in einer Bogenbewegung Richtung Korb geworfen. Durch den hohen Abwurfpunkt und die hohe Flugkurve… … Deutsch Wikipedia
hook shot — noun a basketball shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the basket • Syn: ↑hook • Hypernyms: ↑basketball shot … Useful english dictionary
hook shot — noun Date: circa 1932 a shot in basketball made usually while standing sideways to the basket by swinging the ball up in an arc with the far hand … New Collegiate Dictionary
hook shot — noun A shot in which the offensive player, gently throws the ball with a sweeping motion of his arm in an upward arc with a follow through which ends over his head … Wiktionary
Hook — may refer to:Tools, hardware and fasteners* Cabin hook, a hooked bar that engages into an eye screw, used on doors * Fish hook, a device used to catch fish * Grappling hook, a hook attached to a rope, designed to be thrown and snagged on a target … Wikipedia
hook — /hʊk / (say hook) noun 1. a curved or angular piece of metal or other firm substance catching, pulling, or sustaining something. 2. a fishhook. 3. that which catches; a snare; a trap. 4. something curved or bent like a hook, as a mark or symbol,… …