hooked rug

hooked rug
a rug made by drawing loops of yarn or cloth through a foundation of burlap or the like, to form a pattern.
[1875-80, Amer.]

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  • hooked rug — noun : a rug formed by hooking into a strong coarse fabric back loops (as of yarn or strips of cloth) to form a surface pile * * * a rug made by drawing loops of yarn or cloth through a foundation of burlap or the like, to form a pattern. [1875… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hooked rug — /hʊkt ˈrʌg/ (say hookt rug) noun a rug made by drawing loops of yarn or cloth through a foundation of gunny, or the like, to form a pattern …  

  • hooked — O.E. hoced, “shaped like a hook, crooked, curved;” pp. adj. from HOOK (Cf. hook) (v.). From mid 14c. as “having hooks;” 1610s as “caught on a hook;” 1925 as addicted, originally in reference to narcotics. hooked rug is recorded from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • hooked — [hookt] adj. 1. curved like a hook 2. having a hook or hooks ☆ 3. made with a hook [a hooked rug ] ☆ 4. Slang a) addicted as to the use of a drug: often with on b) preoccupied or obsessed with a person, fad, etc.: often with on …   English World dictionary

  • rug — n carpet, floor cover or covering, carpeting, wall to wall carpeting, indoor outdoor carpeting; broadloom, drugget, braided rug, hooked rug, rag rug, ingrain, rya; scatter rug, area rug, throw rug, runner; mat, doormat, welcome mat, bathmat …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • hooked — adjective Date: before 12th century 1. having the form of a hook 2. provided with a hook 3. made by hooking < a hooked rug > 4. a. addicted to narcotics b. fascinated by or devoted to something < hooked on skiing > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • hooked — /hʊkt / (say hookt) adjective 1. bent like a hook; hook shaped. 2. having a hook or hooks. 3. made by hooking: a hooked rug. 4. caught, as a fish. 5. Colloquial (sometimes followed by on) addicted; obsessed: *Don t tell me you got hooked on one… …  

  • hooked — [[t]hʊkt[/t]] adj. 1) bent like a hook; hook shaped 2) having a hook or hooks 3) made by hooking: a hooked rug[/ex] 4) inf Informal. a) addicted to narcotic drugs b) very enthusiastic about or obsessed with something 5) sts Slang. married •… …   From formal English to slang

  • rug and carpet — Any decorative textile normally made of a thick material and intended as a floor covering. Floor coverings made of plaited rushes date from the 5th or 4th millennium BC. Carpets were first made in central and western Asia as coverings for earthen …   Universalium

  • rug — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. mat, drugget, shag [rug], throw [rug]; carpet[ing]; lap robe; slang, wig, hairpiece, toupee. See covering. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. carpet, carpeting, floor covering, runner, area rug, scatter rug,… …   English dictionary for students

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