Homeoteleuton — (from the Greek polytonic|ὁμοιοτέλευτον ,Silva Rhetoricae (2006). [http://rhetoric.byu.edu/Figures/H/homoioteleuton.htm Rhetorical Figures for Shakespeare and the Scriptures] ] homoioteleuton , like ending ) is the repetition of endings in words … Wikipedia
homeoteleuton — HOMEOTELEUTÓN s.n. v. homeoteleută. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
homeoteleuton — /hoh mee oh tel yeuh ton /, n. Rhet. a series of words with the same or similar endings. [1580 90; < Gk, n. use of neut. of homoiotéleutos ending alike, equiv. to homoio HOMEO + teleutos, adj. der. of teleuté end, close] * * * homeoteleuton or … Useful english dictionary
Figuras literarias — Las figuras literarias son formas no convencionales de utilizar las palabras, de manera que, aunque se emplean con sus acepciones habituales (aspecto que las diferencia de los tropos), se acompañan de algunas particularidades fónicas,… … Wikipedia Español
Rhyme — A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words and is most often used in poetry and songs. The word rhyme may also refer to a short poem, such as a rhyming couplet or other brief rhyming poem such as nursery rhymes. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Alfonso Martínez de Toledo — (ca. 1398 ca. 1470), known as the Archpriest of Talavera ( Arcipreste de Talavera ), was a Castilian poet and writer. Born in Toledo, Spain, he studied in that city, spent some time in Catalonia and Aragón, and served as a prebendary at the… … Wikipedia
Homoioteleuton — En retórica, el homoioteleuton u homeotéleuton (del griego ὁμοιοτέλευτον), también llamado similidesinencia, es una de las figuras de repetición que consiste en la igualdad o semejanza de los sonidos finales de palabras que cierran enunciados… … Wikipedia Español
Codex Ephesinus — New Testament manuscripts papyri • uncials • minuscules • lectionaries Minuscule 71 Name Codex Ephesinus Text Gospels Date 1160 Script … Wikipedia
homeoteleută — HOMEOTELEÚTĂ s.f. Figură de sintaxă poetică, constând în potrivirea fonică a ultimelor silabe a două cuvinte învecinate; homeoptotă. [pron. me o te le u , var. homeoteleuton s.n. / < fr. homéotéleute, cf. gr. homoioteleuton]. Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
homoeoteleuton — ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷təˈlüˌtän also təlˈyü noun ( s) Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek homoioteleuton, from neuter of homoioteleutos : an occurrence in writing of the same or similar endings near together (as in neighboring clauses or lines) whether… … Useful english dictionary