Holy Island

Holy Island
1. Also called Lindisfarne. an island off the E coast of Northumberland, England. 3 mi. (4.8 km) long.
2. Formerly, Holyhead Island. an island off the W coast of Anglesey, in NW Wales. 7 mi. (11 km) long.

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also called  Lindisfarne 
 historic small island (2 sq mi [5 sq km]) in the west North Sea, 2 mi (3 km) from the English Northumberland coast (in which county it is included), linked to the mainland by a causeway at low tide. It is administratively part of Berwick-upon-Tweed district.

      Holy Island's importance as a religious centre dates from AD 635, when the ecclesiastic St. Aidan established a church and monastery there with the aim of converting the Northumbrians. The Lindisfarne Gospels (produced on the island and now housed in the British Museum) are fine examples of 7th-century illuminated manuscripts. The threat of Danish raids caused the monastery to be abandoned in 875, and the monks fled inland with the body of St. Cuthbert (the sixth bishop), eventually settling at what became the inland cathedral city of Durham. The prior and convent of Durham refounded the monastery in 1082, and it was garrisoned at the end of the 16th century.

      The village of Lindisfarne, in the fertile southwest corner of the island, grew up around the monastery and is now a tourist centre. It has coast guard and lifeboat stations. Pop. (latest census) 190.

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