- hip
—hipless, adj. —hiplike, adj.n.1. the projecting part of each side of the body formed by the side of the pelvis and the upper part of the femur and the flesh covering them; haunch.3. Archit. the inclined projecting angle formed by the junction of a sloping side and a sloping end, or of two adjacent sloping sides, of a roof. See illus. under roof.5. shoot from the hip, Informal. to speak or act bluntly or rashly, without deliberation or prudence: Diplomats are trained to conduct themselves with discretion, and not to shoot from the hip.6. smite hip and thigh, to attack unmercifully; overcome. Judg. 15:8.adj.v.t.9. Archit. to form (a roof) with a hip or hips.[bef. 1000; ME hipe, hupe, OE hype; c. OHG huf (G Hüfte hip), Goth hups hip, loin; cf. Gk kýbos CUBE, the hollow above the hips (of cattle), L cubitus elbow (see CUBIT)]hip2/hip/, n.the ripe fruit of a rose, esp. of a wild rose.[bef. 900; ME hepe, OE heope hip, briar; c. OHG hiufo bramble]hip3/hip/, interj.[1745-55; orig. uncert.]hip4—hiply, adv.adj.1. familiar with or informed about the latest ideas, styles, developments, etc.: My parents aren't exactly hip, you know.2. considered aware of or attuned to what is expected, esp. with a casual or knowing air; cool: The guy was not at all hip - a total nerd.3. in agreement or willing to cooperate; going along: We explained our whole plan, and she was hip.n.5. a hipster or hippie.v.t.6. to make or keep aware or informed.Also, hep.[1900-05; earlier hep; of disputed orig.]hip5/hip/, n.hyp.
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▪ anatomyin anatomy, the joint between the thighbone ( femur) and the pelvis; also the area adjacent to this joint. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint; the round head of the femur rests in a cavity (the acetabulum) that allows free rotation of the limb. Amphibians and reptiles have relatively weak pelvic girdles, and the femur extends horizontally. This does not permit efficient resistance to gravity, and the trunks of these animals often rest partially on the ground. In mammals the hip joint allows the femur to drop vertically, thus permitting the animal to hold itself off the ground and leading to specializations for running and leaping. See also pelvic girdle.* * *
Universalium. 2010.