- high-spirited
/huy"spir"i tid/, adj.1. characterized by energetic enthusiasm, elation, vivacity, etc.2. boldly courageous; mettlesome.[1625-35]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
high-spirited — adj 1.) someone who is high spirited has a lot of energy and enjoys fun and adventure 2.) a high spirited horse is nervous and hard to control … Dictionary of contemporary English
high-spirited — *spirited, mettlesome, spunky, fiery, peppery, gingery Analogous words: gallant, chivalrous, courtly, courteous (see CIVIL): audacious, bold, *brave, intrepid … New Dictionary of Synonyms
high-spirited — [hī′spir′it id] adj. 1. having or showing a courageous or noble spirit 2. spirited; fiery 3. merry; lively … English World dictionary
High-spirited — High spir it*ed, a. Full of spirit or natural fire; haughty; courageous; impetuous; not brooking restraint or opposition. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
high-spirited — high spirits ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ lively and cheerful behaviour or mood. DERIVATIVES high spirited adjective … English terms dictionary
high-spirited — index hot blooded Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
high-spirited — adjective full of energy and excitement … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
high-spirited — 1) ADJ GRADED Someone who is high spirited is very lively and easily excited. Ant: placid 2) ADJ GRADED A high spirited horse is difficult to control because it is very lively, active, or nervous … English dictionary
high-spirited — adjective 1 someone who is high spirited has a lot of energy and enjoys fun and adventure 2 a horse that is high spirited is nervous and difficult to control … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
high-spirited — adjective a high spirited horse Syn: lively, spirited, full of fun, fun loving, animated, zestful, bouncy, bubbly, sparkling, vivacious, buoyant, cheerful, joyful, exuberant, ebullient, jaunty, irrepressible; informal chirpy, peppy … Thesaurus of popular words
high-spirited — adjective a) Possessing a bold or exuberant nature. Her high spirited nature was forever getting her into trouble. b) energetic … Wiktionary