- Hidalgo y Costilla
/ee dhahl"gaw ee kaws tee"yah/
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
HIDALGO Y COSTILLA (M.) — HIDALGO Y COSTILLA MIGUEL (1753 1811) «Père de l’indépendance mexicaine». Ordonné prêtre en 1789, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla mena d’abord une existence calme; toutefois, en contribuant à promouvoir le progrès économique de Dolores dont il était… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hidalgo y Costilla — [i ȓalɣo i kɔs tija], Miguel, mexikanischer Freiheitskämpfer, * Corralejo (Guanajuato) 8. 5. 1753, ✝ Chihuahua 27. 7. 1811; Priester in Dolores (Guanajuato); organisierte im September 1810 einen Aufstand gegen die Spanier, der 1811… … Universal-Lexikon
Hidalgo y Costilla — Hidalgo y Costilla, Don Miguel, katholischer Pfarrer in Dolores, erregte im Sept. 1810 die Revolution in Mexico gegen die Spanier, erhielt einen ungeheueren Zulauf, wurde im Oct. Generalissimus der Insurgentenarmee, aber von Elisondo, einem… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Hidalgo y Costilla — Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel … Enciclopedia Universal
Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel — ▪ Mexican leader born May 8, 1753, Corralejo, near Guanajuato, Mexico died July 31, 1811, Chihuahua Catholic priest who is called the father of Mexican independence. Ordained a priest in 1789, he had an uneventful early career, though his… … Universalium
Hidalgo (y Costilla), Miguel — born May 8, 1753, near Pénjamo, Guanajuato, Mex. died July 30, 1811, Chihuahua Mexican priest, called the father of Mexican independence. Ordained in 1789, he had an uneventful early career. In the town of Dolores (now Dolores Hidalgo), he joined … Universalium
Hidalgo (y Costilla), Miguel — (8 may. 1753, cerca de Pénjamo, Guanajuato, México.–30 jul. 1811, Chihuahua). Sacerdote mexicano, llamado el padre de la independencia mexicana. Ordenado en 1789, inicialmente tuvo una tranquila carrera. En el pueblo de Dolores (ahora Dolores… … Enciclopedia Universal
Hidalgo y Costilla — /ee dhahl gaw ee kaws tee yah/ Miguel /mee gel /, 1753 1811, Mexican priest, patriot, and revolutionist … Useful english dictionary
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla — For the district of Mexico City, see Miguel Hidalgo, D.F.. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla Generalísimo of the Mexican Army … Wikipedia
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla — Para otros usos de este término, véase Hidalgo (desambiguación). Miguel Hidalgo Costilla … Wikipedia Español