
heroically, adv.heroicalness, heroicness, heroicity /hear'oh is"i tee/, n.
/hi roh"ik/, adj.
1. Also, heroical.
2. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a hero or heroine.
3. suitable to the character of a hero in size or concept; daring; noble: a heroic ambition.
4. having or displaying the character or attributes of a hero; extraordinarily bold, altruistic, determined, etc.: a heroic explorer.
5. having or involving recourse to boldness, daring, or extreme measures: Heroic measures were taken to save his life.
6. dealing with or describing the deeds, attributes, etc., of heroes, as in literature.
7. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the heroes of antiquity: heroic mythology.
8. used in heroic poetry. Cf. heroic verse.
9. resembling heroic poetry in language or style; grandiloquent.
10. (of style or language) lofty; extravagant; grand.
11. larger than life-size: a statue of heroic proportions.
12. Usually, heroics. See heroic verse.
13. heroics,
a. flamboyant or extravagant language, sentiment, or behavior, intended to seem heroic.
b. heroic action or behavior.
[1540-50; < L heroicus < Gk heroïkós of, pertaining to a hero; cf. late ME heroical, heroicus; see HERO, -IC]
Syn. 2, 3. dauntless, valiant, valorous, gallant, brave, courageous. 8. epic.
Ant. 1-3. cowardly.

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