
herbicidal, adj.
/herr"beuh suyd', err"-/, n.
a substance or preparation for killing plants, esp. weeds.
[1895-1900; HERB + -I- + -CIDE]

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Agent, usually chemical, for killing or inhibiting the growth of unwanted plants (weeds).

Modern weed killers are put in two categories, selective (affecting specific plant species) and nonselective (affecting plants generally). These in turn are classified as foliage-applied and soil herbicides. Contact herbicides (e.g., sulfuric acid, diquat, paraquat) kill only the plant organs with which they are in contact. Translocated herbicides (e.g., amitrole, picloram, 2,4-D) are effective against roots or other organs, to which they are transported from aboveground treated surfaces (soil). See also defoliant.

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      an agent, usually chemical, for killing or inhibiting the growth of unwanted plants—i.e., weeds. (See weed.) In the past, sea salt, by-products of chemical industries, and various oils were used as weed killers. Late in the 19th century the selective control of broad-leaved weeds among cereal crops came into practice. The central development in modern weed control was the introduction in 1945 of so-called organic herbicides; they were revolutionary in that their high toxicity allowed for effective weed control at very low dosages—about 1–2 percent of the dosage rates of such earlier weed killers as carbon disulfide, borax, and arsenic trioxide.

      Modern weed killers are put in two categories: selective (affecting specific plant species) and nonselective (affecting plants generally). These, in turn, are classified as foliage-applied and soil herbicides. Contact herbicides (e.g., sulfuric acid, diquat, paraquat) kill only the plant organs with which they are in contact. Translocated herbicides (e.g., amitrole; picloram; 2,4-D) are effective against roots or other organs to which they are transported from aboveground treated surfaces (i.e., soil). With respect to planting time, herbicides are also classified as preplant, preemergence, or postemergence weed killers. Preplant herbicides may be applied to the soil or to weeds before crop planting.

      Certain herbicides (e.g., sodium arsenite) are sometimes applied by the jar method, whereby the tops of weeds are bent over and immersed in jars of poisonous solution. The herbicide is drawn into the rest of the plant and into connecting plants, gradually killing the entire system. Wild morning glory, poison oak, and camel thorn are sometimes treated in this manner. Chlorinated benzene and certain aromatic solvents are used to control aquatic weeds by adding them directly to the watery medium. See also defoliant.

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