
hemorrhoidal, adj.
/hem"euh royd', hem"royd/, n.
Usually, hemorrhoids. Pathol. an abnormally enlarged vein mainly due to a persistent increase in venous pressure, occurring inside the anal sphincter of the rectum and beneath the mucous membrane (internal hemorrhoid) or outside the anal sphincter and beneath the surface of the anal skin (external hemorrhoid). Also called pile.
[1350-1400; ME emoroides (pl.) < L haemorrhoid(a) < Gk haimorroïda (adj.) discharging blood]

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or pile

Mass formed by distension of the network of veins supplying the anal canal.

It may develop from infection or increased abdominal pressure (as in pregnancy or heavy lifting). Mild hemorrhoids may require only ointments, laxatives, and baths. If clotting, bleeding, or pain occurs, surgical removal may be needed. Internal hemorrhoids, with little nerve supply, can be destroyed in several ways without anesthesia. External hemorrhoids, under the skin, are cut out under local anesthesia.

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also spelled  Haemorrhoid,  also called  Pile,  

      mass formed by distension of the network of veins under the mucous membrane that lines the anal channel or under the skin lining the external portion of the anus. A form of varicose vein, a hemorrhoid may develop from anal infection or from increase in intra-abdominal pressure, such as occurs during pregnancy, while lifting a heavy object, or while straining at stool. It may be a complication of chronic liver disease or tumours. The weakness in the vessel wall that permits the defect to develop may be inherited.

      Mild hemorrhoids may be treated by such methods as the use of suppositories, non-irritating laxatives, and baths. If clots have formed, or in the presence of other complications, the hemorrhoids may be removed surgically.

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