
/el"oh eez'/; Fr. /ay law eez"/, n.
1. 1101?-64, French abbess: pupil of and secretly married to Pierre Abélard. Cf. Abélard.
2. a female given name, French form of Eloise or Louise.

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French nun
born c. 1098
died May 15, 1164, Paraclete Abbey, near Nogent-sur-Seine, Fr.
 wife of the theologian and philosopher Peter Abelard (Abelard, Peter), with whom she was involved in one of the best known love tragedies of history. Fulbert, Héloïse's uncle and a canon of Notre-Dame, entrusted Abelard with the education of his brilliant niece (c. 1118). The two fell in love and were secretly married after Héloïse returned to Paris from Brittany, where she had given birth to Abelard's son. Her relatives, outraged by the situation, caused Abelard to be attacked and castrated. He became a monk at the monastery of St. Denis, and Héloïse entered the convent at Argenteuil. After the convent dispersed, Abelard gave Héloïse and her nuns the property of the community of the Paraclete (Le Paraclet), which he had been allowed to found. There Héloïse became abbess.

      Héloïse was buried beside Abelard at the Paraclete, but the remains of both were removed to the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris in the 19th century. Her correspondence with Abelard became part of the extensive literature about their relationship.

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