hateful — hateful, odious, abhorrent, detestable, abominable are sometimes used with little distinction. But hateful more frequently applies to something which excites actual hatred; odious, to something which is excessively disagreeable or which gives… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
hateful — [hāt′fəl] adj. 1. Archaic feeling or showing hate; malicious; malevolent 2. causing or deserving hate; loathsome; detestable; odious 3. nasty, unpleasant, objectionable, etc. [what a hateful thing to say!] hatefully adv. hatefulness n. SYN.… … English World dictionary
Hateful — Hate ful ( f[.u]l), a. 1. Manifesting hate or hatred; malignant; malevolent. [Archaic or R.] [1913 Webster] And worse than death, to view with hateful eyes His rival s conquest. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. Exciting or deserving great dislike,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hateful — may refer to: *someone or something full of hate * Hateful , a song by The Clash from their 1979 album London Calling … Wikipedia
hateful — index antipathetic (distasteful), contemptible, contemptuous, disreputable, heinous, invidious, loathsome … Law dictionary
hateful — mid 14c., full of hate; late 14c., exciting hate; from HATE (Cf. hate) + FUL (Cf. ful). Related: Hatefully; hatefulness … Etymology dictionary
hateful — [adj] nasty, obnoxious abhorrent, abominable, accursed, awful, bitter, blasted, catty*, confounded, cursed, cussed, damnable, damned, despicable, despiteful, detestable, disgusting, evil, execrable, forbidding, foul, gross, heinous, horrid,… … New thesaurus
hateful — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ arousing or deserving of hatred. DERIVATIVES hatefully adverb hatefulness noun … English terms dictionary
hateful — adj. 1) hateful to 2) hateful to + inf. (it was hateful of him to say that) * * * [ heɪtf(ə)l] hateful to hateful to + inf. (it was hateful of him to say that) … Combinatory dictionary
hateful — hate•ful [[t]ˈheɪt fəl[/t]] adj. 1) arousing or deserving hate: hateful oppression[/ex] 2) unpleasant; dislikable: hateful chores[/ex] 3) full of or expressing hate; malevolent: a hateful speech[/ex] • Etymology: 1300–50 hate′ful•ly, adv.… … From formal English to slang