- hash browns
crisp-fried potatoes made by dicing, chopping, or mashing boiled potatoes and browning them in hot fat or oil.[1950-55]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Hash browns — or hashed browns are a simple potato preparation in which potato pieces are pan fried after being shredded, julienned, diced, or riced. In some cultures, hash browns or hashed browns can refer to any of these preparations, while in others it may… … Wikipedia
Hash browns — picadas, con forma de hamburguesa. Se llama hash browns o hashed browns a una receta simple de patata en la que los trozos de patata se fríen en una sartén después de ser cortados en tiras, juliana, dados o bien triturados. En algunas regiones,… … Wikipedia Español
hash browns — n. raw or boiled potatoes that have been hashed and fried in a frying pan: also hashed browns … English World dictionary
hash browns — n [plural] potatoes that are cut into very small pieces, pressed together, and cooked in oil … Dictionary of contemporary English
hash browns — noun plural potatoes that are cut up into very small pieces, pressed together, and cooked in oil … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hash browns — hash′ browns n. pl. coo diced or chopped boiled potatoes, often mixed with minced onion, fried until crisp • Etymology: 1950–55 … From formal English to slang
hash browns — ► PLURAL NOUN chiefly N. Amer. ▪ a dish of chopped and fried cooked potatoes … English terms dictionary
hash browns — crisp fried potatoes made by dicing, chopping, or mashing boiled potatoes and browning them in hot fat or oil. Also, hash browns, hashbrowns. Also called hash browned potatoes, hash brown potatoes. [1950 55] * * * hash browns or hash brown… … Useful english dictionary
Hash Browns — Die Hash Browns [ˌhæʃˈbɹaʊnz] (von engl. hash „Gehacktes“ und brown „braun“) sind eine einfache Beilage aus Kartoffeln, bei der die rohen oder vorgekochten Kartoffeln in kleine Streifen geschnitten, geraspelt oder durchgepresst in heißem Fett als … Deutsch Wikipedia
hash browns — also hashed browns N PLURAL Hash browns or hashed browns are potatoes that have been chopped into small pieces, formed into small cakes, and cooked on a grill or in a frying pan … English dictionary