- harness
/hahr"nis/, n.1. the combination of straps, bands, and other parts forming the working gear of a draft animal. Cf. yoke1 (def. 1).2. (on a loom) the frame containing heddles through which the warp is drawn and which, in combination with another such frame or other frames, forms the shed and determines the woven pattern.3. the equipment, as straps, bolts, or gears, by which a large bell is mounted and rung.5. armor for persons or horses.a. engaged in one's usual routine of work: After his illness he longed to get back in harness.b. together as cooperating partners or equals: Joe and I worked in harness on our last job.v.t.9. to bring under conditions for effective use; gain control over for a particular end: to harness water power; to harness the energy of the sun.10. Archaic. to array in armor or equipments of war.[1250-1300; ME harneis, herneis < OF herneis baggage, equipment < ON *hernest provisions for an armed force, equiv. to herr army (cf. HARBOR, HERALD) + nest provisions for a journey]
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▪ gearthe gear or tackle other than a yoke of a draft animal (as a horse, dog, or goat). The modern harness appears to have been developed in China some time before AD 500 and to have been in use in Europe by 800.The basic harness used for horses in Western cultures consists of a padded leather collar resting on the horse's shoulders and several associated straps. Two rigid pieces of metal called hames rest on this collar, fastened at top and bottom by hame straps. To this assemblage are attached the traces, straps that pass back along the animal's sides and are connected to the load. Other straps encase the animal's body and reinforce the rig. Reins are long straps that pass from the bridle (q.v.) on the horse's head, through loops in the hames, and back to the hands of the driver, who uses the reins to control the animal.When a horse is harnessed between shafts, the shafts are usually supported by a back pad; this is a narrow leather cushion resting on the horse's back, and attached to the shaft by straps and held in position by a girth, or bellyband, and a backband that completely encircle the horse's midsection.* * *
Universalium. 2010.