
/hair"bel'/, n.
1. a low plant, Campanula rotundifolia, of the bellflower family, having narrow leaves and blue, bell-shaped flowers.
2. a plant, Endymion nonscriptus, of the lily family, having long, one-sided clusters of bell-shaped flowers.
[1350-1400; ME; see HARE, BELL1]

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Widespread, slender-stemmed perennial plant (Campanula rotundifolia), also called Scottish bluebell, of the bellflower family, native to woods, meadows, and cliffsides of northern Eurasia and North America and of mountains farther south.

It bears nodding, blue, bell-like flowers. There are more than 30 named wild varieties. Each of its delicate stems, growing in clumps, bears one to several drooping blue-violet bells.

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also called  Scottish bluebell (Campanula rotundifolia) 

      widespread, slender-stemmed perennial of the family Campanulaceae. The harebell bears nodding blue bell-like flowers. It is native to woods, meadows, and cliffsides of northern Eurasia and North America and of mountains farther south. There are more than 30 named wild varieties of Campanula rotundifolia. Small, round, basal leaves disappear before the flowers form, leaving only long, slender stem leaves. The delicate stems of harebells grow in clumps and reach a height of 30 to 60 centimetres (1 to 2 feet). Each stem bears one to several drooping blue-violet bells.

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Universalium. 2010.

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