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dextrorsely — dex·trorse·ly … English syllables
dextrorsely — adverb see dextrorse … Useful english dictionary
dextrorse — dextrorsely, adv. /dek strawrs, dek strawrs /, adj. Bot. (of a climbing plant) rising helically from right to left, as seen from outside the helix (opposed to sinistrorse). Also, dextrorsal. [1860 65; < L dextrorsum toward the right, earlier… … Universalium
dextrorse — /ˈdɛkstrɔs/ (say dekstraws), /dɛksˈtrɔs/ (say deks traws) adjective rising spirally from left to right (from a point of view at the centre of the spiral), as a stem (opposed to sinistrorse). Also, dextrorsal. {Latin dextrorsum towards the right}… …
dextrorse — [deks′trôrs΄, deks trôrs′] adj. [L dextrorsus, toward the right < dexter (see DEXTER) + versus, turning: see VERSE] Bot. twining upward to the right, as the stems of some vines do: opposed to SINISTRORSE dextrorsely adv … English World dictionary