
/hahm/, n.
a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, in W Germany. 171,100.

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      city, North Rhine–Westphalia Land (state), northwestern Germany. It lies along the Lippe (Lippe River) and Ahse rivers and the Lippe-Seiten Canal, at the eastern edge of the Ruhr industrial region. Founded in 1226 as the capital of the county of Mark, it was a prosperous member of the Hanseatic League until the wars of the 17th and 18th centuries led to its decline. Hamm was revitalized by the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century.

      Hamm is an important railway junction, and its chief industry is the manufacture of wire and cable. The electronics sector is also important. There are other heavy industries in the city and coal mines in the vicinity. The city was heavily bombed in World War II, and more than half of its buildings were destroyed. Rebuilt, the new city is dominated by a skyscraper (1959) housing the Land Supreme Court. The medieval St. Paul's Church and parts of the 16th-century St. Agnes's Church survived. Hamm features the Gustav-Lübcke Museum, a railway museum, a music school, a large wooded park, a model ecology park (Maximilian Park) on the site of a former coal mine, and thermal (saline) springs. A prominent city landmark is a giant glass elephant, located in Maximilian Park. Pop. (2003 est.) 184,961.

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