hamadryas baboon

hamadryas baboon
/ham'euh druy"euhs/
a baboon, Papio (Comopithecus) hamadryas, of Ethiopia, the male of which has a mantle of long, dark hair about the head and shoulders: held sacred by the ancient Egyptians. Also called sacred baboon.
[1930-35; < NL hamadryas the specific epithet (see HAMADRYAD)]

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  • Hamadryas — may refer to:* Hamadryas (mythology), the daughter of Oreios and mother of the Hamadryads in Greek mythology,* The Hamadryas Baboon, Papio hamadryas , a species of Old World monkey. * Hamadryas (butterfly) , a genus of nymphalid butterflies known …   Wikipedia

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  • hamadryas sacred baboon — karčiuotasis pavianas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Papio hamadryas angl. hamadryas baboon; hamadryas sacred baboon vok. Bergaffe; Mantel Pavian rus. гамадрил; плащеносный павиан pranc. hamadryas;… …   Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas

  • hamadryas — karčiuotasis pavianas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Papio hamadryas angl. hamadryas baboon; hamadryas sacred baboon vok. Bergaffe; Mantel Pavian rus. гамадрил; плащеносный павиан pranc. hamadryas;… …   Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas

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